He touched her; lost her。 The water continued to spin him。 He grabbed her。 Something。 An arm。 He was already losing feeling; already feeling slower and stupider。 He pulled。 He saw a ring of light above him: the hatch。 He kicked his legs but he did not seem to move。 The circle came no closer。
He kicked again; dragging Beth like a dead weight。 Perhaps she was dead。 His lungs burned。 It was the worst pain he had ever felt in his life。 He fought the pain; and he fought the angry churning water and he kept kicking toward the light; that was his only thought; to kick to the light; to e closer to the light; to reach the light; the light; the light。 。。。
The light。
The images were confusing。 Beths suited body clanging on the metal; inside the airlock。 His own knee bleeding on the metal of the hatch; the drops of blood spattering。 Beths shaking hands reaching for her helmet; twisting it; trying to get the helmet unlocked。 Hands shaking。 Water in the hatch; sucking; surging。 Lights in his eyes。 A terrible pain ''306'' somewhere。 Rust very close to his face; a sharp edge of metal。 Cold metal。 Cold air。 Lights in his eyes; dimming。 Fading。 Blackness。
The sensation of warmth was pleasant。 He heard a hissing roar in his ears。 He looked up and saw Beth; out of her suit; looming large above him; adjusting the big space heater; turning the power up。 She was still shivering; but she was turning up the heat。 He closed his eyes。 We made it; he thought。 Were still together。 Were still okay。 We made it。 He relaxed。
There was a crawly sensation over his body。 From the cold; he thought; his body warming from the cold。 The crawly sensation was not pleasant。 And the hissing was not pleasant; either; it was sibilant; intermittent。
Something slithered softly under his chin as he lay on the deck。 He opened his eyes and saw a silvery white tube; and then he focused and saw the tiny beady eyes; and the flicking tongue。 It was a snake。
A sea snake。
He froze。 He looked down; moving only his eyes。 His entire body was covered with white snakes。
The crawly sensation came from dozens of snakes; coiling around his ankles; sliding between his legs; over his chest。 He felt a cool slithering motion across his forehead。 He closed his eyes; feeling horror as the snake body moved over his face; down his nose; brushed over his lips; then moved away。
He listened to the hissing of the reptiles and thought of how poisonous Beth had said they were。 Beth; he thought; where is Beth?
He did not move。 He felt snakes coiling around his neck; slipping over his shoulder; sliding between the fingers of his hands。 He did not want to open his eyes。 He felt a surge of nausea。
God; he thought。 Im going to throw up。
He felt snakes under his armpit; and felt snakes slipping past his groin。 He burst into a cold sweat。 He fought nausea。 Beth; he thought。 He did not want to speak。 Beth 。。。
''307'' He listened to the hissing and then; when he couldnt stand it any more; he opened his eyes and saw the mass of coiling; writhing white flesh; the tiny heads; the flicking forked tongues。 He closed his eyes again。
He felt one crawling up the leg of his jumpsuit; moving against his bare skin。
〃Dont move; Norman。〃
It was Beth。 He could hear the tension in her voice。 He looked up; could not see her; only her shadow。
He heard her say; 〃Oh God; what time is it?〃 and he thought; The hell with the time; who cares what time it is? It didnt make any sense to him。 〃I have to know the time;〃 Beth was saying。 He heard her feet moving on the deck。 〃The time 。。。〃
She was moving away; leaving him!
The snakes slid over his ears; under his chin; past his nostrils; the bodies damp and slithering。
Then he heard her feet on the deck; and a metallic clang as she threw open the hatch。 He opened his eyes to see her bending over him; grabbing the snakes in great handfuls; throwing them down the hatch into the water。 Snakes writhed in her hands; twisted around her wrists; but she shook them off; tossed them aside。 Some of the snakes didnt land in the water and coiled on the deck。 But most of the snakes were off his body now。
One more crawling up his leg; toward his groin。 He felt it moving quickly backward…she was pulling it out by the tail!
〃Jesus; careful…〃
The snake was out; flung over her shoulder。
〃You can get up; Norman;〃 she said。
He jumped to his feet; and promptly vomited。
0700 HOURS
He had a murderous; pounding headache。 It made the habitat lights seem unpleasantly bright。 And he was cold。 Beth had wrapped him in blankets and had moved him next to the big space heaters in D Cyl; so close that the hum of the electrical elements was very loud in his ears; but he was still cold。 He looked down at her now; as she bandaged his cut knee。
〃How is it?〃 he said。
〃Not good;〃 she said。 〃Its right down to the bone。 But youll be all right。 Its only a few more hours now。〃
〃Yes; I…ouch!〃
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...