


〃Well;〃 Beth said; 〃whatever the reason; you saved my life。 Thank you。〃

〃Any time;〃 Norman said。 He smiled。 〃Just dont do it again。〃

〃No; I wont be going out again。〃

She brought back a drink in a paper cup。 It was syrupy and sweet。

〃What is this?〃

〃Isotonic glucose supplement。 Drink it。〃

He sipped it again; but it was unpleasantly sweet。 Across the room; the console screen still said I WILL KILL YOU NOW。 He looked at Harry; still unconscious; with the intravenous line running into his arm。

Harry had been unconscious all this time。

He hadnt faced the implications of that。 It was time to do it now。 He didnt want to do it; but he had to。 He said; 〃Beth; why do you think all this is happening?〃

〃All what?〃

〃The screen; printing words。 And another manifestation ing to attack us。〃

Beth looked at him in a flat; neutral way。 〃What do you think; Norman?〃

〃Its not Harry。〃

〃No。 Its not。〃

〃Then why is it happening?〃 Norman said。 He got up; pulling the blankets tighter around him。 He flexed his bandaged knee; it hurt; but not too badly。 Norman moved to the porthole and looked out the window。 In the distance he could ''311'' see the string of red lights; from the explosives Beth had set and armed。 He had never understood why she had wanted to do that。 She had acted so strangely about the whole thing。 He looked down toward the base of the habitat。

Red lights were glowing there; too; just below the porthole。 She had armed the explosives around the habitat。

〃Beth; what have you done?〃


〃You armed the explosives around DH…8。〃

〃Yes; Norman;〃 she said。 She stood watching him; very still; very calm。

〃Beth; you promised you wouldnt do that。〃

〃I know。 I had to。〃

〃How are they wired? Wheres the button; Beth?〃

〃There is no button。 Theyre set on automatic vibration sensors。〃

〃You mean theyll go off automatically?〃

〃Yes; Norman。〃

〃Beth; this is crazy。 Someone is still making these manifestations。 Who is doing that; Beth?〃

She smiled slowly; a lazy; cat smile; as if he secretly amused her。 〃Dont you really know?〃

He did know。 Yes; he thought。 He knew; and it chilled him。 〃Youre making these manifestations; Beth。〃

〃No; Norman;〃 she said; still calm。 〃Im not doing it。 You are。〃

0640 HOURS

He thought back years ago; to the early days of his training; when he had worked in the state hospital at Borrego。 Norman had been sent by his supervisor to make a progress report on a particular patient。 The man was in his ''312'' late twenties; pleasant and well educated。 Norman talked to him about all sorts of things: the Oldsmobile Hydramatic transmission; the best surfing beaches; Adlai Stevensons recent presidential campaign; Whitey Fords pitching; even Freudian theory。 The man was quite charming; although he chain…smoked and seemed to have an underlying tension。 Finally Norman got around to asking him why he had been sent to the hospital。









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








