Back; one at a time。
The crew members popped back in the tubes; materializing on demand。
All men。
The women were changed into men。
All women。
They all became women。
He had the power。
0200 HOURS
Beths voice over the loudspeakers; hissing through the empty spacecraft。
〃Where are you; Norman? I know youre there somewhere。 I can feel you; Norman。〃
Norman was moving through the kitchen; past the empty cans of Coke on the counter; then through the heavy door and into the flight deck。 He saw Beths face on all the console screens; Beth seeming to see him; the image repeated a dozen times。
〃Norman。 I know where youve been。 Youve been inside the sphere; havent you; Norman?〃
He pressed the consoles with the flat of his hand; trying to turn off the screens。 He couldnt do it; the images remained。
〃Norman。 Answer me; Norman。〃
He moved past the flight deck; going toward the airlock。 〃It wont do you any good; Norman。 Im in charge now。 Do you hear me; Norman?〃
In the airlock; he heard a click as his helmet ring locked; the air from the tanks was cool and dry。 He listened to the even sound of his own breathing。
〃Norman。〃 Beth; on the inter in his helmet。 〃Why dont you speak to me; Norman? Are you afraid; Norman?〃 The repetition of his name irritated him。 He pressed the buttons to open the airlock。 Water began to flood in from the floor; rising swiftly。
〃Oh; there you are; Norman。 I see you now。〃 And she began to laugh; a high; cackling laugh。
Norman turned around; saw the video camera mounted on the robot; still inside the airlock。 He shoved the camera; spinning it away。
〃That wont do any good; Norman。〃
He was back outside the spacecraft; standing by the air lock。 The Tevac explosives; rows of glowing red dots; ''338'' extended away in erratic lines; like an airplane runway laid out by some demented engineer。
〃Norman? Why dont you answer me; Norman?〃
Beth was unstable; erratic。 He could hear it in her voice。 He had to deprive her of her weapons; to turn off the explosives; if he could。
Off; he thought。 Lets have the explosives off and disarmed。
All the red lights immediately went off。
Not bad; he thought; with a burst of pleasure。 A moment later; the red lights blinked back on。
〃You cant do it; Norman;〃 Beth said; laughing。 〃Not to me。 I can fight you。〃
He knew she was right。 They were having an argument; a test of wills; turning the explosives on and off。 And the argument couldnt ever be resolved。 Not that way。 He would have to do something more direct。
He moved toward the nearest of the Tevac explosives。 Up close; the cone was larger than he had thought; four feet high; with a red light at the top。
〃I can see you; Norman。 I see what youre doing。〃
There was writing on the cone; yellow letters stenciled on the gray surface。 Norman bent to read it。 His faceplate was slightly fogged; but he could still make out the words。
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...