Whats going on; he wondered; but he was aware he didnt really care。 He was too tired。 He was more interested in what the cake would taste like; and looked down。 The cake was eaten。 Only a few crumbs remained。
Tired; he thought。 Very tired。 He put his feet up on the coffee table and put his head back against the cool padding of the wall。
He must have fallen asleep for a while; because he awoke disoriented; in darkness。 He sat up and immediately the lights came on。 He saw he was still in the galley。
Barnes had warned him about that; the way the habitat adjusted to the presence of people。 Apparently the motion sensors stopped registering you if you fell asleep; and automatically shut off the room lights。 Then when you awoke; and moved; the lights came back。 He wondered if the lights would stay on if you snored。 Who had designed all this? he wondered。 Had the engineers and designers working on the Navy habitat taken snoring into account? Was there a snore sensor? More cake。
He got up and walked across to the galley kitchen。 Several pieces of cake were now missing。 Had he eaten them? He wasnt sure; couldnt remember。
〃Lot of videotapes;〃 Beth said。 Norman turned around。
''117'' 〃Yes;〃 Tina said。 〃We are recording everything that goes on in this habitat as well as the other ship。 Itll be a lot of material。〃
There was a monitor mounted just above his head。 It showed Beth and Tina; upstairs at the munications console。 They were eating cake。
Aha; he thought。 So that was where the cake had gone。 〃Every twelve hours the tapes are transferred to the submarine;〃 Tina said。
〃What for?〃 Beth said。
〃Thats so; if anything happens down here; the submarine will automatically go to the surface。〃
〃Oh; great;〃 Beth said。 〃I wont think about that too much。 Where is Dr。 Fielding now?〃
Tina said; 〃He gave up on the sphere; and went into the main flight deck with Edmunds。〃
Norman watched the monitor。 Tina had stepped out of view。 Beth sat with her back to the monitor; eating the cake。 On the monitor behind Beth; he could clearly see the gleaming sphere。 Monitors showing monitors; he thought。 The Navy people who eventually review this stuff are going to go crazy。 Tina said; 〃Do you think theyll ever get the sphere open?〃 Beth chewed her cake。 〃Maybe;〃 she said。 〃I dont know。〃 And to Normans horror; he saw on the monitor behind Beth that the door of the sphere was sliding silently open; revealing blackness inside。
They must have thought he was crazy; running through the lock to D Cylinder and stumbling up the narrow stairs to the upper level; shouting; 〃Its open! Its open!〃
He came to the munications console just as Beth was ''118'' wiping the last crumbs of coconut from her lips。 She set down her fork。
〃Whats open?〃
〃The sphere!〃
Beth spun in her chair。 Tina ran over from the bank of VCRs。 They both looked at the monitor behind Beth。 There was an awkward silence。
〃Looks closed to me; Norman。〃
〃It was open。 I saw it。〃 He told them about watching in the galley; on the monitor。 〃It was just a few seconds ago; and the sphere definitely opened。 It must have closed again while I was on my way here。〃
〃Are you sure?〃
〃Thats a pretty small monitor in the galley。 。。。〃
〃I saw it;〃 Norman said。 〃Replay it; if you dont believe me。〃
〃Good idea;〃 Tina said; and she went to the recorders to play the tape back。
Norman was breathing heavily; trying to catch his breath。 This was the first time he had exerted himself in the dense atmosphere; and he felt the effects strongly。 DH…8 was not a good place to get excited; he decided。
Beth was watching him。 〃You okay; Norman?〃
〃Im fine。 I tell you; I saw it。 It opened。 Tina?〃
〃Itll take me a second here。〃
Harry walked in; yawning。 〃Beds in this place are great; arent they?〃 he said。 〃Like sleeping in a bag of wet rice。 Sort of bination bed and cold shower。〃 He sighed。 〃Itll break my heart to leave。〃
Beth said; 〃Norman thinks the sphere opened。〃
〃When?〃 he said; yawning again。
〃Just a few seconds ago。〃
Harry nodded thoughtfully。 〃Interesting; interesting。 I see its closed now。〃
〃Were rewinding the videotapes; to look again。〃
〃Uh…huh。 Is there any more of that cake?〃
Harry seems very cool; Norman thought。 This is a major piece of news and he doesnt seem excited at all。 Why was ''119'' that? Didnt Harry believe it; either? Was he still sleepy; not fully awake? Or was there something else?
〃Here we go;〃 Tina said。
The monitor showed jagged lines; and then resolved。 On the screen; Tina was saying;
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...