writer: each is likely enough to believe himself capable of arranging and manipulating them; and we
may expect that each will insist upon his own spirit as that of the age in question。 Disgusted by
such reflective histories readers have often returned to a with pleasure to a narrative adopting no
particular point of view。 These certainly have their value; but for the most part they offer only
material for history。 We Germans are not content with such。 The French; on the other hand;
display great genius in reanimating bygone times; and in bringing the past to bear upon the present
conditions of things。
3。 Critical History
§ 9
The third form of Reflective History is the Critical。 This deserves mention as pre…eminently the
mode of treating history; now current in Germany。 It is not history itself that is here presented。 We
might more properly designate it as a History of History; a criticism of historical narratives and an
investigation of their truth and credibility。 Its peculiarity in point of fact and of intention; consists in
the acuteness with which the writer extorts something from the records which was not in the
matters recorded。 The French have given as much that is profound and judicious in this class of
position。 But they have not endeavoured to pass a merely critical procedure for substantial
history。 They have duly presented their judgments in the form of critical treatises。 Among us; the
so…called “higher criticism;” which reigns supreme in the domain of philology; has also taken
possession of our historical literature。 This “higher criticism” has been the pretext for introducing
all the anti…historical monstrosities that a vain imagination could suggest。 Here we have the other
method of making the past a living reality; putting subjective fancies in the place of historical data;
fancies whose merit is measured by their boldness; that is; the scantiness of the particulars on
which they are based; and the peremptoriness with which they contravene the best established
facts of history。
§ 10
4。 The last species of Reflective History announces its fragmentary character on the very face of it。
It adopts an abstract position; yet; since it takes general points of view (e。g。 as the History of Art;
of Law; of Religion); it forms a transition to the Philosophical History of the World。 In our time this
form of the history of ideas has been more developed and brought into notice。 Such branches of
national life stand in close relation to the entire plex of a peoples annals; and the question of
chief importance in relation to our subject is; whether the connection of the whole is exhibited in its
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