physical conceptions and mannerisms; in the style of Fr。 v。 Schlegel; though with more geniality than the latter)
in his periodical; Le Catholique; — has furthered the cause of that primitive Catholicism generally; and in
particular has gained for the savants of the Congregation the support of the Government; so that it has even
set on foot expeditions to the East; in order to discover there treasures still concealed; (from which further
disclosures have been anticipated; respecting profound theological questions; particularly on the higher
antiquity and sources of Buddhism); and with a view to promote the interest of Catholicism by this circuitous
but scientifically interesting method。
§ 67
We owe to the interest which has occasioned these investigations; very much that is valuable; but
this investigation bears direct testimony against itself for it would seem to be awaiting the issue of
an historical demonstration of that which is presupposed by it as historically established。 That
advanced condition of the knowledge of God; and of other scientific; e。g。; astronomical
knowledge (such as has been falsely attributed to the Hindus); and the assertion that such a
condition occurred at the very beginning of History; — or that the religions of various nations were
traditionally derived from it; and have developed themselves in degeneracy and depravation (as is
represented in the rudely…conceived so…called “Emanation System;”); — all these are suppositions
which neither have; nor; — if we may contrast with their arbitrary subjective origin; the true
conception of History; — can attain historical confirmation。
§ 68
The only consistent and worthy method which philosophical investigation can adopt; is to take up
History — where Rationality begins to manifest itself in the actual conduct of the Worlds affairs
(not where it is merely an undeveloped potentiality); — where a condition of things is present in
which it realises itself in consciousness; will and action。 The inorganic existence of Spirit — that of
abstract Freedom — unconscious torpidity in respect to good and evil (and consequently to
laws); or; if we please to term it so; “blessed ignorance;” — is itself not a subject of History。
Natural; and at the same time religious morality; is the piety of the family。 In this social relation;
morality consists in the members behaving towards each other not as individuals … possessing an
independent will; not as persons。 The Family therefore is excluded from that process of
development in which History takes its rise。 But when this self…involved spiritual Unity steps
beyond this circle of feeling and natural love; and first attains the consciousness of personality; we
have that dark; dull centre of indifference; in which neither Nature nor Spirit is open and
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...