truth and reality; or referred to merely external relations。 In the latter case; these important
phenomena (Art。; Law; Religion; &c。) appear as purely accidental national peculiarities。 It must be
remarked that; when Reflective History has advanced to the adoption of general points of view; if
the position taken is a true one; these are found to constitute … not merely external thread; a
superficial series … but are the inward guiding soul of the occurrences and actions that occupy a
nations annals。 For; like the soul…conductor Mercury; the Idea is in truth; the leader of peoples
and of the World; and Spirit; the rational and necessitated will of that conductor; is and has been
the director of the events of the Worlds History。 To bee acquainted with Spirit in this its office
of guidance; is the object of our present undertaking。 This brings us to 。。。
Philosophic History
III。 Philosophic History
i。 Reason Governs the World … ii。 The Destiny of Reason … iii。 World History
§ 11
The third kind of history; — the Philosophical。 No explanation was needed of the two previous
classes; their nature was self…evident。 It is otherwise with this last; which certainly seems to require
an exposition or justification。 The most general definition that can be given; is; that the Philosophy
of History means nothing but the thoughtful consideration of it。 Thought is; indeed。; essential to
humanity。 It is this that distinguishes us from the brutes。 In sensations cognition and intellection; in
our instincts and volitions; as far as they are truly human Thought is an invariable element。 To insist
upon Thought in this connection with history; may; however; appear unsatisfactory。 In this science
it would seem as if Thought must be subordinate to what is given to the realities of fact; that this is
its basis and guide: while Philosophy dwells in the region of self…produced ideas; without reference
to actuality。 Approaching history thus prepossessed; Speculation might be expected to treat it as a
mere passive material; and; so far from leaving it in its native truth; to force it into conformity with a
tyrannous idea; and to construe it; as the phrase is; “à priori。” But as it is the business of history
simply to adopt into its records what is and has been; actual occurrences and transactions; and
since it remains true to its character in proportion as it strictly adheres to its data; we seem to have
in Philosophy; a process diametrically opposed to that of the historiographer。 This contradiction;
and the charge consequent brought against speculation; shall be explained and confuted。 We do
not; however; propose to correct
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...