bee Thinking Reason; with the view of effecting in its own element; the restoration of its
principles from the ruin to which they had been brought。
§ 78
We find then; it is true; among all world…historical peoples; poetry; plastic art; science; even
philosophy; but not only is there a diversity in style and bearing generally; but still more remarkably
in subject…matter; and this is a diversity of the most important kind; affecting the rationality of that
subject…matter。 It is useless for a pretentious aesthetic criticism to demand that our good pleasure
should not be made the rule for the matter — the substantial part of their contents — and to
maintain that it is the beautiful form as such; the grandeur of the fancy; and so forth; which fine art
aims at; and which must be considered and enjoyed by a liberal taste and cultivated mind。 A
healthy intellect does not tolerate such abstractions; and cannot assimilate productions of the kind
above referred to。 Granted that the Indian Epopees might be placed on a level with the Homeric;
on account of a number of those qualities of form — grandeur of invention and imaginative power;
liveliness of images and emotions; and beauty of diction; yet the infinite difference of matter
remains; consequently one of substantial importance and involving the interest of Reason which is
immediately concerned with the consciousness of the Idea of Freedom; and its expression in
individuals。 There is not only a classical form; but a classical order of subject…matter; and in a
work of art form and subject…matter are so closely united that the former can only be classical to
the extent to which the latter is so。 With a fantastic; indeterminate material — the Rule is the
essence of Reason …the form bees measureless and formless; or mean and contracted。 In the
same way; in that parison of the various systems of philosophy of which we have already
spoken; the only point of importance is overlooked; namely the character of that Unity which is
found alike in the Chinese; the Eleatic; and the Spinozistic philosophy — the distinction between
the recognition of that Unity as abstract and as concrete — concrete to the extent of being a unity
in and by itself — a unity synonymous with Spirit。 But that co…ordination proves that it recognises
only such an abstract unity; so that while it gives judgment respecting philosophy it is ignorant of
that very point which constitutes the interest of philosophy。
§ 79
But there are also spheres which; amid all the variety that is presented in the substantial content of
a particular form of culture; remain the same。 The difference above mentioned in art; science;
philosophy; concerns the thinking Reason and Freedom; which is the self…consciousness of the
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...