advantageous; — yes; even indispensable and necessary。 These contingencies realise themselves in
History: they involve a general principle of a different order from that on which depends the
permanence of a people or a State。 This principle is an essential phase in the development of the
creating Idea; of Truth striving and urging towards 'consciousness of' itself。 Historical men …
World…Historical Individuals … are those in whose aims such a general principle lies。
§ 32
Caesar; in danger of losing a position; not perhaps at that time of superiority; yet at least of
equality with the others who were at the head of the State; and of succumbing to those who were
just on the point of being his enemies; … belongs essentially to this category。 These enemies —
who were at the same time pursuing their personal aims — had the form of the constitution; and
the power conferred by an appearance of justice; on their side。 Caesar was contending for the
maintenance of his position; honour; and safety; and; since the power of his opponents included
the sovereignty over the provinces of the Roman Empire; his victory secured for him the conquest
of that entire Empire: and he thus became — though leaving the form of the constitution — the
Autocrat of the State。 That which secured for him the execution of a design; which in the first
instance was of negative import — the Autocracy of Rome; — was; however; at the same time an
independently necessary feature in the history of Rome and of the world。 It was not; then; his
private gain merely; but an unconscious impulse that occasioned the acplishment of that for
which the time was ripe。 Such are all great historical men — whose own particular aims involve
those large issues which are the will of the World…Spirit。 They may be called Heroes; inasmuch as
they have derived their purposes and their vocation; not from the calm; regular course of things;
sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount — one which has not attained to
phenomenal; present existence; — from that inner Spirit; still hidden beneath the surface; which;
impinging on the outer world as on a shell; bursts it in pieces; because it is another kernel than that
which belonged to the shell in question。 They are men; therefore; who appear to draw the impulse
of their life from themselves; and whose deeds have produced a condition of things and a plex
of historical relations which appear to be only their interest; and their work。
§ 33
Such individuals had no consciousness of the general Idea they were unfolding; while prosecuting
those aims of theirs; on the contrary; they were practical; political men。 But at the same time they
were thinking men; who had an insight into the requirements of the time — what was ripe for
development。 This was the very Truth for their age; for their world; the species next in order; so
to speak; and which was already formed in the womb of time。 It was theirs to know this nascent
principle; the necessary; directly sequent step in progress; which their world was to take; to make
this their aim; and to expend their energy in promoting it。 World…historical men — the Heroes of an
epoch — must; therefore; be recognised as its clear…sighted ones; their deeds; their words are
the best of that time。 Great men have formed purposes to satisfy themselves; not others。 Whatever
prudent designs and counsels they might have learned from others; would be the more limited and
inconsistent features in their career; for it was they who best understood affairs; from whom
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赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...