separation of religion from it has also not yet taken place; and so much the less since the piety of
the hearth is itself a profoundly subjective state of feeling。
§ 45
We have considered two aspects of Freedom; … the objective and the subjective; if; therefore;
Freedom is asserted to consist in the individuals of a State all agreeing in its arrangements it is
evident that only the subjective aspect is regarded。 The natural inference from this principle is; that
no law can be valid without the approval of all。 This difficulty is attempted to be obviated by the
decision that the minority must yield to the。 majority; the majority therefore bear the sway。 But
long ago J。 J。 Rousseau remarked; that in that case there would be no longer freedom; for the will
of the minority would cease to be respected。 At the Polish Diet each single member had to give
his consent before any political step could be taken; and this kind of freedom it was that ruined the
State。 Besides; it is a dangerous and false prejudice; that the People alone have reason and
insight; and know what justice is; for each popular faction may represent itself as the People; and
the question as to what constitutes the State is one of advanced science; and not of popular
§ 46
If the principle of regard for the individual will is recognised as the only basis of political liberty;
viz。; that nothing should be done by or for the State to which all the members of the body politic
have not given their sanction; we have; properly speaking; no Constitution。 The only arrangement
that would be necessary; would be; first; a centre having no will of its own but which should take
into consideration what appeared to be the necessities of the State; and; secondly; a contrivance
for calling the members of the State together; for taking the votes; and for performing the
arithmetical operations of reckoning and paring the number of votes for the different
propositions; and thereby deciding upon them。 The State is an abstraction; having even its generic
existence in its citizens; but it is an actuality; and its simply generic existence must embody itself in
individual will and activity。 The want of government and political administration in general is felt;
this necessitates the selection and separation from the rest of those who have to take the helm in
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