consequently one person; — as existing and pleted in this one; or only in one human pair。
The biblical account by no means justifies us in imagining a people; and an historical condition of
such people; existing in that primitive form; still less does it warrant us in attributing to them the
possession of a perfectly developed knowledge of God and Nature。 “Nature;” so the fiction runs;
“like a clear mirror of Gods creation; had originally lain revealed and transparent to the
unclouded eye of man。” 'Fr。 von Schlegel; Philosophy of History p。 91; Bohns Standard
Divine Truth is imagined to have been equally manifest。 It is even hinted; though left in some
degree of obscurity; that in this primary condition men were in possession of an indefinitely
extended and already expanded body of religious truths immediately revealed by God。 This theory
affirms that all religions had their historical mencement in this primitive knowledge; and that
they polluted and obscured the original Truth by the monstrous creations of error and depravity;
though in all the mythologies invented by Error; traces of that origin and of those primitive true
dogmas are supposed to be present and cognisable。 An important interest; therefore accrues to
the investigation of the history of ancient peoples; that; viz。; of the endeavour to trace their annals
up to the point where such fragments of the primary revelation are to be met with in greater purity
than lower down。
§ 66
We have to thank this interest for many valuable discoveries in Oriental literature; and for a renewed study of
treasures previously known; in the department of ancient Asiatic Culture; Mythology; Religions; and History。
In Catholic countries; where a refined literary taste prevails; Governments have yielded to the requirements of
speculative inquiry; and have felt the necessity of allying themselves with learning and philosophy。 Eloquently
and impressively has the Abbé Lamennais reckoned it among the criteria of the true religion; that it must be
the universal — that is; catholic — and the oldest in date; and the Congregation has laboured zealously and
diligently in France towards rendering such assertions no longer mere pulpit tirades and authoritative dicta;
such as were deemed sufficient formerly。 The religion of Buddha — a god man — which has prevailed to such
an enormous extent; has especially attracted attention。 The Indian Tim?rtis; as also the Chinese abstraction of
the Trinity; has furnished clearer evidence in point of subject matter。 The savants; M。 Abel Remusat and M。
Saint Martin; on the one hand; have undertaken the most meritorious investigations in the Chinese literature;
with a view to make this also a base of operations for researches in the Mongolian and; if such were possible;
in the Tibetan; on the other hand; Baron von Eckstein; in his way (i。e。; adopting from Germany superficial
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...