and the charge consequent brought against speculation; shall be explained and confuted。 We do
not; however; propose to correct the innumerable special misrepresentations; trite or novel; that
are current respecting the aims; the interests; and the modes of treating history; and its relation to
§ 12
The only Thought which Philosophy brings with it to the contemplation of History; is the simple
conception of Reason; that Reason is the Sovereign of the World; that the history of the world
therefore; presents us with a rational process。 This conviction and intuition is a hypothesis in the
domain of history as such。 In that of Philosophy it is no hypothesis。 It is there proved by
speculative cognition; that Reason — and this term may here suffice us; without investigating the
relation sustained by the Universe to the Divine Being; — is Substance; as well as Infinite Power;
its own Infinite Material underlying all the natural and spiritual life which it originates; as also the
Infinite Form; — that which sets this Material in motion。 On the one hand; Reason is the substance
of the Universe; viz。 that by which and in which all reality has its being and subsistence。 On the
other hand; it is the Infinite Energy of the Universe; since Reason is not so powerless as to be
incapable of producing anything but a mere ideal; a mere intention — having its place outside
reality; nobody knows where; something separate and abstract; in the heads of certain human
beings。 It is the infinite plex of things; their entire Essence and Truth。 It is its own material
which it mits to its own Active Energy to work up; not needing; as finite action does; the
conditions of an external material of given means from which it may obtain its support; and the
objects of its activity。 It supplies its own nourishment and is the object of its own operations。
While it is exclusively its own basis of existence; and absolute final aim; it is also the energising
power realising this aim; developing it not only in the phenomena of the Natural; but also of the
Spiritual Universe — the History of the World。 That this “Idea” or “Reason” is the True; the
Eternal; the absolutely powerful essence; that it reveals itself in the World; and that in that World
nothing else is revealed but this and its honour and glory — is the thesis which; as we have said;
has been proved in Philosophy and is here regarded as demonstrated。
§ 13
In those of my hearers who are not acquainted with Philosophy; I may fairly presume; at least; the
existence of a belief in Reason; a desire; a thirst for acquaintance with it; in entering upon this
course of Lectures。 It is in fact; the wish for rational insight; not the ambition to amass a mere heap
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...