can only be prehended spiritually; that is; by thought。 It is this alone which takes the lead in all
the deeds and tendencies of that people; and which is occupied in realising itself; — in satisfying its
ideal and being self…conscious; — for its great business is self…production。 But for spirit; the
highest attainment is self…knowledge; an advance not only to the intuition; but to the thought —
the clear conception of itself。 This it must and is also destined to acplish; but the
acplishment is at the same time its dissolution。; and the rise of another spirit; another
world…historical people; another epoch of Universal History。 This transition and connection leads
us to the connection of the whole — the idea of the Worlds History as such — which we have now
to consider more closely; and of which we have to give a representation。
§ 81
History in general is therefore the development of Spirit in Time; as Nature is the development of
the Idea in Space。
§ 82
If then we cast a glance over the Worlds History generally; we see a vast picture of changes and
transactions; of infinitely manifold forms of peoples; states; individuals; in unresting succession。
Everything that can enter into and interest the soul of man — all our sensibility to goodness;
beauty; and greatness — is called into play。 On every hand aims are adopted and pursued; which
we recognise; whose acplishment we desire — we hope and fear for them。 In all these
occurrences and changes we behold human action and suffering predominant; everywhere
something akin to ourselves; and therefore everywhere something that excites our interest for or
against。 Sometimes it attracts us by beauty; freedom; and rich variety; sometimes by energy such
as enables even vice to make itself interesting。 Sometimes we see the more prehensive mass
of some general interest advancing with parative slowness and subsequently sacrificed to an
infinite plication of trifling circumstances; and so dissipated into atoms。 Then; again; with a vast
expenditure of power a trivial result is produced; while from what appears unimportant a
tremendous issue proceeds。 On every hand there is the motliest throng of events drawing us within
the circle of its interest; and when one bination vanishes another immediately appears in its
§ 83
The general thought — the category which first presents itself in this restless mutation of individuals
and peoples; existing for a time and then vanishing — is that of change at large。 The sight of the
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...