transparent; and for which Nature and Spirit can bee open and transparent only by means of a
further process; — a very lengthened culture of that Will at length bee self…conscious。
Consciousness alone is clearness; and is that alone for which God (or any other existence) can be
revealed。 In its true form — in absolute universality — nothing can be manifested except to
consciousness made percipient of it。 Freedom is nothing but the recognition and adoption of such
universal substantial objects as Right and Law; and the production of a reality that is accordant
with them — the State。 Nations may have passed a long life before arriving at this their destination;
and during this period; they may have attained considerable culture in some directions。 This
ante…historical period — consistently with what has been said — lies out of our plan; whether a real
history followed it; or the peoples in question never attained a political constitution。 — It is a great
discovery in history — as of a new world — which has been made within rather more than the last
twenty years; respecting the Sanskrit and the connection of the European languages with it。 In
particular; the connection of the German and Indian peoples has been demonstrated; with as much
certainty as such subjects allow of。 Even at the present time we know of peoples which scarcely
form a society; much less a State; but that have been long known as existing; while with regard to
others; which in their advanced condition excite our especial interest; tradition reaches beyond the
record of the founding of the State; and they experienced many changes prior to that epoch。 In the
connection just referred to; between the languages of nations so widely separated; we have a
result before us; which proves the diffusion of those nations from Asia as a centre; and the so
dissimilar development of what had been originally related; as an incontestable fact; not as an
inference deduced by that favourite method of bining; and reasoning from; circumstances
grave and trivial; which has already enriched and will continue to enrich history with so many
fictions given out as facts。 But that apparently so extensive range of events lies beyond the pale of
history; in fact preceded it。 In our language the term History unites the objective with the
subjective side; and denotes quite as much the historia rerum gestarum; as the res gestae
themselves; on the other hand it prehends not less what has happened; than the narration of
what has happened。 This union of the two meanings we must regard as of a higher order than mere
outward accident; we must
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...