§ 92
Zeus; therefore; who is represented as having put a limit to the devouring agency of Time; and
staid this transience by having established something inherently and independently durable — Zeus
and his race are themselves swallowed up; and that by the very power that produced them — the
principle of thought; perception; reasoning; insight derived from rational grounds; and the
requirement of such grounds。
§ 93
Time is the negative element in the sensuous world。 Thought is the same negativity; but it is the
deepest; the infinite form of it; in which therefore all existence generally is dissolved; first finite
existence; — determinate; limited form: but existence generally; in its objective character; is
limited; it appears therefore as a mere datum — something immediate — authority; — and is either
intrinsically finite and limited; or presents itself as a limit for the thinking subject; and its infinite
reflection on itself 'unlimited abstraction'。
§ 94
But first we must observe how the life which proceeds from death; is itself; on the other hand; only
individual life; so that; regarding the species as the real and substantial in this vicissitude; the
perishing of the individual is a regress of the species into individuality。 The perpetuation of the race
is; therefore; none other than the monotonous repetition of the same kind of existence。 Further; we
must remark how perception; — the prehension of being by thought; — is the source and
birthplace of a new; and in fact higher form; in a principle which while it preserves; dignifies its
material。 For Thought is that Universal … that Species which is immortal; which preserves identity
with itself。 The particular form of Spirit not merely passes away in the world by natural causes in
Time; but is annulled in the automatic self…mirroring activity of consciousness。 Because this
annulling is an activity of Thought; it is at the same time conservative and elevating in its operation。
While then; on the one side; Spirit annuls the reality; the permanence of that which it is; it gains on
the other side; the essence; the Thought; the Universal element of that which it only was 'its
transient conditions'。 Its principle is no longer that immediate import and aim which it was
previously; but the essence of that import and aim。
§ 95
The result of this p
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...