and the most pusillanimous nations; — are regarded as sufficient to support the view that in these
nations as much of social virtue and morality may be found as in the most civilised Christian states;
or even more。 And on this ground a doubt has been suggested whether in the progress of history
and of general culture mankind have bee better; whether their morality has been increased; —
morality being regarded in a subjective aspect and view; as founded on what the agent holds to be
right and wrong; good and evil; not on a principle which is considered to be in and for itself right
and good; or a crime and evil; or on a particular religion believed to be the true one。
§ 74
We may fairly decline on this occasion the task of tracing the formalism and error of such a view;
and establishing the true principles of morality; or rather of social virtue in opposition to false
morality。 For the History of the World occupies a higher ground than that on which morality has
properly its position; which is personal character — the conscience of individuals; — their particular
will and mode of action; these have a value; imputation; reward or; punishment proper to
themselves。 What the absolute aim of Spirit requires and acplishes; — what Providence does;
— transcends the obligations; and the liability to imputation and the ascription of good or bad
motives; which attach to individuality in virtue of its social relations。 They who on moral grounds;
and consequently with noble intention; have resisted that which the advance of the Spiritual Idea
makes necessary; stand higher in moral worth than those whose crimes have been turned into the
means — under the direction of a superior principle — of realising the purposes of that principle。
But in such revolutions both parties generally stand within the limits of the same circle of transient
and corruptible existence。 Consequently it is only a formal rectitude — deserted by the living Spirit
and by God — which those who stand upon ancient right and order maintain。 The deeds of great
men; who are the Individuals of the Worlds History; thus appear not only justified in view of that
intrinsic result of which they were not conscious; but also from the point of view occupied by the
secular moralist。 But looked at from this point; moral claims that are irrelevant; must not be
brought into collision with world…historical deeds and their acplishment。 The Litany of private
virtues — modesty; humility; philanthropy and forbearance — must not be raised against them。 The
History of the World might; on principle; entirely ignore the circle within which morality and the so
much talked of distinction between the moral and the politic lies — not only in abstaining from
judgments; for the principles involved; and the necessary reference of the deeds in question to
those principles; are a sufficient judgment of them — but in leaving Individuals quite out of view
and unmentioned。 What it has to record is the activity of the Spirit of Peoples; so that the
individual forms which that spirit has assumed in the sphere of outward reality; might be left to the
delineation of special histories。
§ 75
The same kind of formalism avails itself in its peculiar manner of the indefiniteness attaching to
genius; poetry; and even philosophy; thinks equally that it finds these everywhere。 We have here
products of reflective thought; and it is familiarity with those general conceptions which single out
and name real distinctions without fathoming the true depth of the matter; — that we call Culture。 It
is something merely formal; inasmuch as it aims at nothing more than the analysis of the subject;
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...