i。 Reason Governs the World
ii。 Essential destiny of Reason
(1) The Abstract Characteristics of the Nature of Spirit
(2) The Means Spirit Uses to Realize Its Idea
(3) The Embodiment Spirit Assumes … the State
iii。 The Course of the Worlds History
I。Original History
§ 1
Of the first kind; the mention of one or two distinguished names will furnish a definite type。 To this
category belong Herodotus; Thucydides; and other historians of the same order; whose
descriptions are for the most part limited to deeds; events; and states of society; which they had
before their eyes; and whose spirit they shared。 They simply transferred what was passing in the
world around them; to the realm of representative intellect。 An external phenomenon is thus
translated into an internal conception。 In the same way the poet operates upon the material
supplied him by his emotions; projecting it into an image for the conceptive faculty。 These original
historians did; it is true; find statements and narratives of other men ready to hand。 One person
cannot be an eye and ear witness of everything。 But they make use of such aids only as the poet
does of that heritage of an already…formed language; to which he owes so much; merely as an
ingredient。 Historiographers bind together the fleeting elements of story; and treasure them up for
immortality in the Temple of Mnemosyne。 Legends; Ballad…stories; Traditions must be excluded
from such original history。 These are but dim and hazy forms of historical apprehension; and
therefore belong to nations whose intelligence is but half awakened。 Here; on the contrary; we
have to do with people fully conscious of what they were and what they were about。 The domain
of reality — actually seen; or capable of being so — affords a very different basis in point of
firmness from that fugitive and shadowy element; in which were engendered those legends and
poetic dreams whose historical prestige vanishes; as soon as nations have attained a mature
§ 2
Such original historians; then; change the events; the deeds and the states of society with which
they are conversant; into an object for the conceptive faculty。 The narratives they leave us cannot;
therefore; be very prehensive in their range。 Herodotus; Thucydides; Guieciardini; may be
taken as fair samples of the class in this respect。 What is present and living in their environment; is
their proper material。 The influences that have formed the writer are identical with those which
have moulded the events that constitute the matter of his story。 The authors spirit; and that of the
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...