Persia; and Herodotus gives an equally naive account of this deliberation。
§ 47
In the present day; the Constitution of a country and people is not represented as so entirely
dependent on free and deliberate choice。 The fundamental but abstractly (and therefore
imperfectly) entertained conception of Freedom; has resulted in the Republic being very generally
regarded … in theory … as the only just and true political constitution。 Many even; who occupy
elevated official positions under monarchical constitutions … so far from being opposed to this idea
… are actually its supporters; only they see that such a constitution; though the best; cannot be
realised under all circumstances; and that … while men are what they are … we must be satisfied
with less freedom; the monarchical constitution … under the given circumstances; and the present
moral condition of the people … being even regarded as the most advantageous。 In this view also;
the necessity of a particular constitution is made to depend on the condition of the people in such a
way as if the latter were non…essential and accidental。 This representation is founded on the
distinction which the reflective understanding makes between an idea and the corresponding
reality; holding to an abstract and consequently untrue idea; not grasping it in its pleteness; or …
which is virtually; though not in point of form; the same … not taking a concrete view of a people
and a state。 We shall have to show further on that the constitution adopted by a people makes one
substance … one spirit … with its religion; its art and philosophy; or; at least; with its conceptions and
thoughts … its culture generally; not to expatiate upon the additional influences; ab extra; of
climate; of neighbours; of its place in the world。 A State is an individual totality; of which you
cannot select any particular side; although a supremely important one; such as its political
constitution; and deliberate and decide respecting it in that isolated form。 Not only is that
constitution most intimately connected with and dependent on those other spiritual forces; but the
form of the entire moral and intellectual individuality … prising all the forces it embodies … is
only a step in the development of the grand Whole; … with its place pre…appointed in the process: a
fact which gives the highest sanction to the constitution in question; and establishes its absolute
necessity。 …The origin of a State involves imperious lordship on the one hand; instinctive
submission on the other。 But even obedience … lordly power; and the fear inspired by a ruler … in
itself implies some degree of voluntary connection。 Even in barbarous states this is the case; it is
not the isolated will of individuals that prevails; individual pretensions are relinquished; and the
general will is the essential bond of political union。 This unity of the general and the particular is the
Idea itself; manifesting itself as a State; and which subsequently undergoes further development
within itself。 The abstract yet necessitated process in the development of truly independent states is
as follows: … They begin with regal power; whether of patriarchal or military origin。 In the next
phase; particularity and individuality assert themselves in the form of Aristocracy and Democracy。
Lastly; we have the subjection of these separate interests to a single power; but which can be
absolutely none other than one outside of which those spheres have an independent position; viz。;
the Monarchical。 Two phases of royalty; therefore; must be distinguished; … a primary and a
secondary one。 This process is necessitated; so that the form of government assigned to a
particular stage of development must present itself: it is therefore no matter of choice; but is that
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...