Wide ports and mountains in the south are lost;
Whole fleets of battle ships; a thousand keels;
Hide in the misty depths; frail fishing boats
High riding on a wave are seen………and lost。
The gloom increases and the domed sky
Grows dark and darker as the suns light fails。
The daylight dies; dim twilights reign begins;
The ruddy hills dissolve and lose their hue。
The skill of matchless King Yu would fail to sound
The depth and height; and Li Lous eye; though keen;
Could never pierce this gloom。
Now is the time; O sea and river gods; to use your powers。
The gliding fish and creeping water folk
Are lost; there is no track for bird or beast。
Fair Penglai Isles are hidden from our sight;
The lofty gates of heaven have disappeared。
Nature is blurred and indistinct; as when
A driving rain storm hurries over the earth。
And then; perhaps; within the heavy haze;
A noisome serpent vents his venom foul
And plagues descend; or impish demons work
Their wicked wills。
Ills fall on humans but do not stay;
Heavens cleansing breath sweeps them sway;
But while they last the mean ones cry;
The nobler suffer silently。
The greatest turmoil is a sign
Of quick return to state benign。
The little fleet reached Cao Caos naval camp about the fifth watch; and Zhuge Liang gave orders to form line lying prows west; and then to beat the drums and shout。
〃But what shall we do if they attack us?〃 exclaimed Lu Su。
Zhuge Liang replied with a smile; 〃I think their fleet will not venture out in this fog。 Go on with your wine; and let us be happy。 We will go back when the fog lifts。〃
As soon as the shouting from the river was heard by those in the camp; the two admirals; Mao Jie and Yu Jin; ran off to report to Cao Cao; who said; 〃ing up in a fog like this means that they have prepared an ambush for us。 Do not go out; but get all the force together and shoot at them。〃
He also sent orders to the ground camps to dispatch six thousand of archers and crossbowmen to aid the marines。
The naval forces were then lined up shooting on the bank to prevent a landing。 Presently the soldiers arrived; and ten thousand and more soldiers were shooting down into the river; where the arrows fell like rain。 By and bye Zhuge Liang ordered the boats to turn round so that their prows pointed
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...