


Then Guan Yu began to be angry; saying; 〃I have killed Kong Xiu at Dongling Pass。 Do you also seek death?〃

〃Who will capture him for me?〃 cried Han Qu; and Meng Tan offered himself。 He rode out; whirling his double swords; and made straight for Guan Yu。

Guan Yu sent back the carriage out of danger and then rode toward Meng Tan。 They engaged; but very soon Meng Tan turned his steed and fled。 Guan Yu pursued。 Meng Tan; intent only on leading his enemy toward the ambush; took no account of the speed of Red Hare。 Very soon Meng Tan was caught up; and a stroke of the mighty sword cut him in two pieces。 Then Guan Yu stopped and turned back。 The archers in the gate shot their hardest; and though it was a long way off; one of them lodged an arrow in his left arm。 He pulled it out with his teeth; but the blood streamed down as he rode toward Governor Han Qu。 The men scattered。 Guan Yu rode straight at his next victim。 He raised his sword and made an oblique cut which sliced off the head and shoulder of Han Qu。

Then Guan Yu drove off the soldiers and returned to escort the carriage。 He bound up his wound; and; fearing lest anyone might take advantage of his weakness; he made no long halts on the road but hurried toward River Si Pass。

The warden of this pass was Bian Xi of Bingzhou; a warrior whose weapon was a et…hammer。 He had been a Yellow Scarf and had gone over to Cao Cao; who had given him this post。 As soon as he heard of the ing of the redoubtable Guan Yu; he cudgeled his brains for a ruse to use against him。 He decided upon an ambush。 In the State Guardian Temple at the pass he placed two hundred ax…men and swordsmen。 He reckoned on enticing Guan Yu to the temple for refreshment; and when he let fall a cup as signal; the hidden ruffians would rush out。

All being thus arranged and ready; he went out to wele Guan Yu in friendly guise; and Guan Yu dismounted at his ing。 Bian Xi began very amiably。

〃Your name; General; makes the very earth tremble; and everyone looks up to you。 This return to the Imperial Uncle proves you to be noble and true。〃

Guan Yu in reply told him the story of the men he had slain in the last two passes。

Bian Xi replied; 〃You slew them; that is well。 When I see the Prime Minister; I will explain to him the inner reasons for these acts。〃

Guan Yu thought he had found a friend and so mounted and rode through the pass。 When he came to the temple; a number of priests came out to meet him with clanging bells。

This temple; named State Guardian Temple; had a courtyard in which the Emperor Ming had burned incense in the past。 In the temple were thirty priests; and among these there happened to be one Pu Jing who came from the same village as Guan Yu。 His religious name was Transverse Peace。 Hearing who the visitor was; Transverse Peace came forward to speak with him。

〃General;〃 said Transverse Peace; 〃it is many a long year since you left Pudong。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Guan Yu; 〃nearly twenty years。〃

〃Do you recognize this poor priest?〃

〃I left the village many years ago; I do not recognize you。〃

〃My house and yours were only separated by a rivulet;〃 said the priest。

Now Bian Xi; seeing Transverse Peace holding forth about village matters; thought Transverse Peace would blab about the ambush; so Bian Xi bade him be silent。

〃I want to invite the General to a feast。 You priest fellows seem to have a lot to say;〃 said Bian Xi。

〃Not too much;〃 said Guan Yu。 〃Naturally when fellow villagers meet; they talk of old times。〃

Bian Xi invited the visitor into the guest room to take tea; but Guan Yu said; 〃The two ladies are out there in the carriage。 They ought to have some first。〃

So the priest bade them take some tea to the ladies; and then he led Guan Yu within; at the same time lifting the priest knife which he wore at his side and looking meaningfully at Guan Yu。 The latter understood and told his people to bring along his weapon and keep close at his side。

When Bian Xi invited Guan Yu to go into the Hall of the Laws for some refreshment; Guan Yu turned to him; saying; 〃Is this invitation with good intention or evil?〃

Bian Xi was so taken aback that he could make no reply; and then Guan Yu saw that many armed men were concealed behind the arras。

Then Guan Yu shouted loudly at Bian Xi; saying; 〃What means this? I thought you an honorable man。 How dare you?〃

The traitor saw that his plot had failed and called to the assassins to e out and fall to; but Guan Yu had a short sword in his hand and slashed at anyone who came near。 So they scattered。 Their mander ran down the hall and tried to escape among the side buildings; but Guan Yu threw aside the short sword; took up the green…dragon saber and went after Bian Xi。 The latter was trying to get into position to throw his et…hammer; but Guan Yu cut the cord and the weapon was useless。 Guan Yu followed Bian Xi in and out and soon caught up with him。 Then with one blow Guan Yu cut him in halves。

The fight over; Guan Yu sought the two ladies; who were surrounded by soldiers。 These fled at sight of the terrible warrior。 Seeking out the priest; his fellow countryman; he thanked him for the timely warning which had saved him from death。

〃I cannot remain here after this;〃 said Transverse Peace。 〃I shall pack up my few garments and my alms bowl and take to the road; vague in my wanderings as the clouds in the sky。 But we shall meet again and till then take care of yourself。〃

Then Guan Yu took leave and retook the road to Yingyang。 The Governor of this city was named Wang Zhi; and he was related to Han Qu by their childrens marriage。 Hearing of the death of his relative; Wang Zhi set about a scheme to kill Guan Yu secretly。 He sent soldiers to guard the city gates and; when he heard that Guan Yu approached; he went himself and received Guan Yu with a smiling countenance and bade Guan Yu wele。 Guan Yu told him the object of his journey。

〃You; General; have been able to get some exercise on the road; but the ladies in their carriage must be cramped and fatigued。 I pray you e into the city; and all of you remain the night in the official travelers quarters。 Tomorrow you can set forth again。〃

The offer was tempting; and his host seemed in earnest; so the two ladies went into the city; where they found everything very fortably prepared for them。 And; though Guan Yu declined the Governors invitations to a banquet; refreshments for the travelers were sent to their lodgings。 Guan Yu was fa

















