


Chapter 47

Kan Ze Presents The Treacherous Letter;

Pang Tong Suggests Chaining The Ships Together。

Kan Ze was from Shanyin; a son of a humble family。 He loved books; but as he was too poor to buy; he used to borrow。 He had a wonderfully tenacious memory; was very eloquent and no coward。 Sun Quan had employed him among his advisers; and he and Huang Gai were excellent friends。

Now Huang Gai had thought of Kan Ze to present the treacherous letter to Cao Cao; as Kan Zes gifts made him most suitable。

Kan Ze accepted with enthusiasm; saying; 〃When you; my friend; have suffered so much for our lord; could I spare myself? No; while a person lives; he must go on fulfilling his mission; or he is no better than the herbs that rot in the field。〃

Huang Gai slipped off the couch and came over to salute him。

〃However; this matter must speed;〃 continued Kan Ze。 〃There is no time to lose。〃

〃The letter is already written;〃 said Huang Gai。

Kan Ze received it and left。 That night he disguised himself as an old fisherman and started in a small punt for the north shore; under the cold; glittering light of the stars。 Soon he drew near the enemys camp and was captured by the patrol。

Without waiting for day; they informed Cao Cao; who said at once; 〃Is he not just a spy?〃

〃No;〃 said they; 〃he is alone; just an old fisherman。 And he says he is an adviser in the service of the South Land named Kan Ze; and he has e on secret business。〃

〃Bring him;〃 said Cao Cao; and Kan Ze was led in。

Cao Cao was seated in a brilliantly lighted tent。 He was leaning on a small table; and as soon as he saw the prisoner; he said harshly; 〃You are an adviser of East Wu。 What then are you doing here?〃

〃People say that you greedily wele people of ability。 I do not think your question a very proper one。 O friend Huang Gai; you made a mistake;〃 said Kan Ze。

〃You know I am fighting against East Wu; and you e here privately。 Why should I not question you?〃

〃Huang Gai is an old servant of Wu; one who has served three successive rulers。 Now he has been cruelly beaten; for no fault; before the face of all the officers in Zhou Yus camp。 He is grievously angry about this and wishes to desert to your side that he may be revenged。 He discussed it with me; and as we are inseparable; I have e to give you his letter asking whether you would receive him。〃

〃Where is the letter? said Cao Cao。

The missive was produced and presented。 Cao Cao opened it and read:

〃I; Huang Gai; have been generously treated by the Sun family and have served them single…heartedly。 Lately they have been discussing an attack with our forces on the enormous army of the central government。 Everyone knows our few are no match for such a multitude; and every officer of the South Land; wise or foolish; recognizes that quite well。 However; Zhou Yu who; after all; is but a youth and a shallow minded simpleton; maintains that success is possible and rashly desires to smash stones with an egg。 Beside; he is arbitrary and tyrannical; punishing for no crime; and leaving meritorious service unrewarded。 I am an old servant and for no reason have been shamed in the sight of people。 Wherefore I hate him in my heart。

〃You; O Prime Minister; treat people with sincerity and are ready to wele ability and so I; and those under my leadership; desire to enter your service whereby to acquire reputation and remove the shameful stigma。 The missariat; weapons; and the supply ships that I am manding will also e over to you。 In perfect sincerity I state these matters。 I pray you not to doubt me。〃

Leaning there on the low table by his side; Cao Cao turned this letter over and over and read it again and again。

Then he smacked the table; opened his eyes wide with anger; saying; 〃Huang Gai is trying to play the personal injury trick on me; is he? And you are in it as the intermediary to present the letter。 How dare you e to sport with me?〃

Cao Cao ordered the lictors to thrust forth the messenger and take off his head。 Kan Ze was hustled out; his face untroubled。 On the contrary; he laughed aloud。

At this Cao Cao told them to bring him back and harshly said to him; 〃What do you find to laugh at now that I have foiled you and your ruse has failed?〃

〃I was not laughing at you。 I was laughing at my friends simplicity。〃

〃What do you mean by his simplicity?〃

〃If you want to slay; slay。 Do not trouble me with a multitude of questions。〃

〃I have read all the books on the art of war; and I am well versed in all ways of misleading the enemy。 This ruse of yours might have succeeded with many; but it will not do for me。〃

〃And so you say that the letter is a vicious trick?〃 said Kan Ze。

〃What I say is that your little slip has sent you to the death you risked。 If the thing was real and you were sincere; why does not the letter name a time of ing over? What have you to say to that?〃


















赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...