


aoist were sent everywhere with orders to arrest him。 Within three days were arrested in the city and outside three or four hundred persons all blind of one eye; lame of one leg; and wearing a rattan headdress; a black loose robe and wooden clogs。 They were all alike and all answered to the description of the missing Taoist。

There was a great hubbub in the street。 Cao Cao ordered his officer to sprinkle the crowd of Taoists with the blood of pigs and goats in order to exorcise the witchcraft and take them away to the drill ground on the south of the city。 Thither he followed them with his guards; who surrounded the crowd of arrested persons and slew everyone。 But from the neck of each one; after the head was severed; there floated up into the air a wreath of black vapor; and all these wreaths drifted toward a center where they joined up into the image of another Zuo Ci; who presently beckoned to him a white crane out of the sky; mounted it and sat as on a horse。

Clapping his hands; the Taoist cried merrily; 〃The rats of the earth follow the golden tiger; and one morning the doer of evil shall be no more。〃

The soldiers shot arrows at both bird and man。 At this a tremendous storm burst over the city。 Stones were driven along; sand was whirled about; and all the corpses arose from the ground; each holding his own head in his hands。 They rushed toward Cao Cao as if to strike him。 The officials covered their eyes; and none dared to look another in the face。

The power of a bold man will overturn a state;

The art of a necromancer also produces wonders。

Read the next chapter and you will know the fate of Cao Cao。

Main Next to Chapter 69 》》

Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Guan Lu Sees Things In The Book Of Changes;

Five Loyal Subjects Die For Their State。

The sight of the corpses of his victims rising to their feet in the storm and running toward him was too much for Cao Cao; and he swooned。 However; the wind quickly fell and the corpses disappeared。 His followers assisted Cao Cao to his palace; but he was very ill。

A poet celebrated the episode of the murdered Taoist:

He studied his magical books;

He was learned in mystical lore;

And with magical fleetness of foot

He could travel the wide world over。

The magical arts that he knew;

He employed in an earnest essay

To reform the bad heart of Cao Cao。

But in vain; Cao Cao held on his way。

Cao Caos illness seemed beyond the art of the physicians; and drugs seemed of no avail。 It happened that Minister Xu Zhi came from the capital to visit the prince; who bade the latter take a cast from the 〃Book of Changes〃。

〃Have you ever heard of Guan Lu? He is more than human in his skill at divination;〃 said Xu Zhi。

〃I have heard a lot about him; but I do not know how clever he is。 You tell me about him;〃 replied Cao Cao。

〃He is from Pingyuan。 His face is ugly and coarse; he drinks to excess and is rather dissipated。 His father was an elder of Langye。 Since a lad Guan Lu loved to study the stars; staying up all night to watch them; in spite of the prohibition of his father and mother。 He used to say that if domestic fowls and wild geese knew the seasons naturally; how much more should humans。 He often used to play with other children at drawing pictures of the sky on the ground; putting in the sun; moon; and stars。 When he grew older he studied the Book of Changes very deeply and observed the winds。 He was a marvelous calculator and excellent physiognomist。

〃His fame reached the ears of Shan Zichun; the Governor of Langye; who called him to his residence for an interview。 There were present some hundred or so other guests; everyone of whom could be called able of speech。

〃I am young and not over…bold; said Guan Lu to the Governor。 I pray you give me three flasks of wine to loosen my tongue。 The request was astonishing; but the wine was brought in; and when he had drunk it; Guan Lu; looking contemptuously at the other guests; said; Now I am ready。 Are these the opponents you have got together for me to contend with? Are these gentlemen sitting around me disputants?

〃I myself am anxious for a match with you; said Shan Zichun。 Then they began upon the meaning of the Book of Changes。 Guan Lus words poured forth like a torrent; and his ideas were most recondite。 The Governor replied; stating difficulties; Guan Lu swept them away in a stream of eloquence。 So it went on the whole day without a pause even for refreshment。 Neither Shan Zichun nor his other guests could help praising Guan Lu and agreeing with him。

〃His fame spread wide after this encounter; and people spoke of him as the Supernatural Boy。 After this he became famous in another way。 There was a certain Guo En; a mon man; who had two brothers。 All three became lame; and they called in Guan Lu to cast lots and discover the reason。 Guan Lu said; By the lots there is a female demon in your family tomb; an aunt; the wife of one of your fathers brothers。 Some years ago; in a time of famine; for the sake of a few carts of grain; she was pushed into a well and a great stone was thrown in on her; crushing her head so that she suffered intensely。 She plained to the Most High; and your lameness is the retribution for that crime。 No prayers will avert the evil。 The three brothers wept and acknowledged their guilt。

〃Governor Wang Ji of Anping; heard of the diviners fame and invited him to e on a visit; and he went。 It happened that another guest of the Governor was the magistrate of Xindu; whose wife suffered from headaches and his son from pains in the heart。 Guan Lu was asked to discover the reason。 He cast lots and said that at the west corner of the main hall there were buried two corpses; one of a man who held a spear; the other of a man who had a bow and arrows。 The wall was built across them。 The spearmans master had gashed his head; and so his head pained。 The archers master had stabbed him in the heart; and so his heart suffered anguish。 They dug where Guan Lu indicated and; about eight spans down; found two coffins; one with a spear inside and the other with a strung bow and wooden arrows。 All were much decayed。 Guan Lu bade them remove the bones and bury them three miles outside the walls。 Thereafter the woman and her son suffered no more。

〃A certain Zhuge Yuan; Magistrate of Guantao; newly promoted to Governor; was leaving for his new post; and Guan Lu went to see him off。 One of the guests mentioned that Guan Lu could divine what was hidden from sight。 The Governor doubted such powers and said he would put a test。 He got a swallows egg; a wasps nest; and a spider; and concealed them in three separate boxes。 He asked Guan Lu to guess the contents。 The divination made; Guan Lu wrote three quatrains:

The latent life will declare itself;

It will cling to your lordly hall;

Or male or female; flung into space;

Wide wings will prevent its fall。



赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...














