


the Individual itself assuming the aspect of positive and real existence in the idea of the Incarnation。

Religion is the sphere in which a nation gives itself the definition of that which it regards as the

True。 A definition contains everything that belongs to the essence of an object; reducing its nature

to its simple characteristic predicate; as a mirror for every predicate; … the generic soul Pervading

all its details。 The conception of God; therefore; constitutes the general basis of a peoples


§ 52

In this aspect; religion stands in the closest connection with the political principle。 Freedom can

exist only where Individuality is recognised as having its positive and real existence in the Divine

Being。 The connection may be further explained thus: … Secular existence; as merely temporal …

occupied with particular interests … is consequently only relative and unauthorised; and receives its

validity only in as far as the universal soul that pervades it … its principle … receives absolute validity;

which it cannot have unless it is recognised as the definite manifestation; the phenomenal existence

of the Divine Essence。 On this account it is that the State rests on Religion。 We hear this often

repeated in our times; though for the most part nothing further is meant than that individual subjects

as God…fearing men would be more disposed and ready to perform their duty; since obedience to

King and Law so naturally follows in the train of reverence for God。 This reverence; indeed; since

it exalts the general over the special; may even turn upon the latter; … bee fanatical; … and work

with incendiary and destructive violence against the State; its institutions; and arrangements。

Religious feeling; therefore; it is thought; should be sober … kept in a certain degree of coolness; …

that it may not storm against and bear down that which should be defended and preserved by it。

The possibility of such a catastrophe is at least latent in it。

§ 53

While; however; the correct sentiment is adopted; that the State is based on Religion; the position

thus assigned to Religion supposes the State already to exist; and that subsequently; in order to

maintain it; Religion must be brought into it … buckets and bushels as it were … and impressed upon

peoples hearts。 It is quite true that men must be trained to religion; but not as to something whose

existence has yet to begin。 For in affirming that the State is based on Religion … that it has its roots

in it … we virtually assert that the former has proceeded from the latter; and that this derivation is

going on now and will always continue; i。e。; the principles of the State must be regarded as valid in

and for themselves; which can only be in so far as they are recognised as determinate






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











