


more prehensive。 The History of the World begins with its general aim — the realisation of the

Idea of Spirit — only in an implicit form (an sich) that is; as Nature; a hidden; most profoundly

hidden; unconscious instinct; and the whole process of History (as already observed); is directed

to rendering this unconscious impulse a conscious one。 Thus appearing in the form of merely

natural existence; natural will — that which has been called the subjective side; — physical craving;

instinct; passion; private interest; as also opinion and subjective conception; — spontaneously

present themselves at the very mencement。 This vast congeries of volitions; interests and

activities; constitute the instruments and means of the World…Spirit for attaining its object; bringing

it to consciousness; and realising it。 And this aim is none other than finding itself — ing to itself

— and contemplating itself in concrete actuality。 But that those manifestations of vitality on the part

of individuals and peoples; in which they seek and satisfy their own purposes; are; at the same

time; the means and instruments of a higher and broader purpose of which they know nothing; —

which they realise unconsciously; …  might be made a matter of question; rather has been

questioned; and in every variety of form negatived; decried and contemned as mere dreaming and

“Philosophy。” But on this point I announced my view at the very outset; and asserted our

hypothesis; — which; however;  of a legitimate inference; —

and our belief; that Reason governs the world; and has consequently governed its history。 In

relation to this independently universal and substantial existence — all else is subordinate;

subservient to it; and the means for its development。 — The Union of Universal Abstract Existence

generally with the Individual; … the Subjective — that this alone is Truth; belongs to the department

of speculation; and is treated in this general form in Logic。 — But in the process of the Worlds

History itself; — as still inplete; — the abstract final aim of history is not yet made the distinct

object of desire and interest。 While these limited sentiments are still unconscious of the purpose

they are fulfilling; the universal principle is implicit in them; and is realising itself through them。 The

question also assumes the form of the union of Freedom and Necessity; the latent abstract

process of Spirit being regarded as Necessity; while that which exhibits itself in the conscious will

of men; as their interest; belongs to the domain of Freedom。 As the metaphysical connection (i。e。

the connection in the Idea) of these forms of thought; belongs to Logic; it would be out of place to

analyse it here。 The chief and cardinal points only shall be mentioned。

§ 28

Philosophy shows that the Idea advances to an infinite antithesis; that; viz。 between the Idea in its

free; universal form — in which it exists for itself — and the contrasted form of abstract

introversion; reflection on itself; which is formal existence…for…self; personality; formal freedom;

such as belongs to Spirit only。 The universal Idea exists thus as the substantial totality of things on

the one side; and as the abstract essence of free volition on the other side。 This reflection of the

mind on itself is individual self…consciousness — the polar opposite of the Idea in its general form;

and therefore existing in absolute Limitation。 This polar opposite is consequently limitation;

particularisation; for the universal absolute being; i









赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...








