material in which the Ideal of Reason is wrought out? The primary answer would be; … Personality
itself … human desires … Subjectivity generally。 In human knowledge and volition; as its material
element; Reason attains positive existence。 We have considered subjective volition where it has an
object which is the truth and essence of a reality; viz。 where it constitutes a great world…historical
passion。 As a subjective will; occupied with limited passions; it is dependent; and can gratify its
desires only within the limits of this dependence。 But the subjective will has also a substantial life …
a reality; … in which it moves in the region of essential being and has the essential itself as the
object of its existence。 This essential being is the union of the subjective with the rational Will: it
is the moral Whole; the State; which is that form of reality in which the individual has and enjoys
his freedom; but on the condition of his recognition; believing in and willing that which is mon
to the Whole。 And this must not be understood as if the subjective will of the social unit attained its
gratification and enjoyment through that mon Will; as if this were a means provided for its
benefit; as if the individual; in his relations to other individuals; thus limited his freedom; in order
that this universal limitation … the mutual constraint of all … might secure a small space of liberty for
each。 Rather; we affirm; are Law; Morality; Government; and they alone; the positive reality and
pletion of Freedom。 Freedom of a low and limited order; is mere caprice; which finds its
exercise in the sphere of particular and limited desires。
§ 41
Subjective volition … Passion … is that which sets men in activity; that which effects 〃practical〃
realisation。 The Idea is the inner spring of action; the State is the actually; existing; realised moral
life。 For it is the Unity of the universal; essential Will; with that of the individual; and this is
〃Morality。〃 The Individual living in this unity has a moral life; possesses a value that consists in this
substantiality alone。 Sophocles in his Antigone; says; 〃The divine mands are not of yesterday;
nor of today; no; they have an infinite existence; and no one could say whence they came。〃 The
laws of morality are not accidental; but are the essentially Rational。 It is the very object of the
State that what is essential in the practical activity of men; and in their dispositions; should be duly
recognised; that it should have a manifest existence; and maintain its position。 It is the absolute
interest of Reason that this moral Whole should exist; and herein lies the justification and merit of
heroes who have founded states; … however rude these may have been。 In the history of the
World。; only those peoples can e under our notice which form a state。 For it must be
understood that this latter is the realisation of Freedom; i。e。 of the absolute final aim; and that it
exists for its own sake。 It must further be understood that all the worth which the human being
possesses … all spiritual reality; he possesses only through the State。 For his spiritual reality consists
in this; that his own essence … Reason … is objectively present to him; that it possesses objective
immediate existence for him。 Thus only is he fully conscious; thus only is he a partaker of morality …
of a just and moral social and political life。 For Truth is the Unity of the universal and subjective
Will; and the Universal is to be found in the State; in its laws; its universal and rational
arrangements。 The State is the Divine Idea as it exists on Earth。 We have in it; therefore; the
object of History in a more definite shape than before; that in which Freedom obtains objectivity
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