


ancient times。 India has not only ancient books relating to religion; and splendid poetical

productions; but also ancient codes; the existence of which latter kind of literature has been

mentioned as a condition necessary to the origination of History — and yet History itself is not

found。 But in that country the impulse of organisation; in beginning to develop social distinctions;

was immediately petrified in the merely natural classification according to castes; so that although

the laws concern themselves with civil rights; they make even these dependent on natural

distinctions; and are especially occupied with determining the relations (Wrongs rather than Rights)

of those classes towards each other; i。e。; the privileges of the higher over the lower。 Consequently;

the element of morality is banished from the pomp of Indian life and from its political institutions。

Where that iron bondage of distinctions derived from nature prevails; the connection of society is

nothing but wild arbitrariness; — transient activity; — or rather the play of violent emotion without

any goal of advancement or development。 Therefore no intelligent reminiscence; no object for

Mnemosyne presents itself; and imagination — confused though profound — expatiates in a region;

which; to be capable of History; must have had an aim within the domain of Reality; and; at the

same time ; of substantial Freedom。

§ 70

Since such are the conditions indispensable to a history; it has happened that the growth of

Families to Clans; of Clans to Peoples; and their local diffusion consequent upon this numerical

increased series of facts which itself suggests so many instances of social plication; war;

revolution; and ruin; — a process which is so rich in interest; and so prehensive in extent; —

has occurred without giving rise to History: moreover; that the extension and organic growth of the

empire of articulate sounds has itself remained voiceless and dumb; — a stealthy; unnoticed

advance。 It is a fact revealed by philological monuments; that languages; during a rude condition of

the nations that have spoken them; have been very highly developed; that the human understanding

occupied this theoretical region with great ingenuity and pleteness。 For Grammar; in its

extended and consistent form; is the work of thought; which makes its categories distinctly visible

therein。 It is; moreover; a fact; that with advancing social and political civilisation; this systematic

pleteness of intelligence suffers attrition; and language thereupon bees poorer and ruder: a

singular phenomenon — that the progress towards a more highly intellectual condition; while

expanding and cultivating rationality; should disregard that intelligent amplitude and expressiveness

— should find it an obstruction and contrive to do without it。 Speech is the act of theoretic






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