whatever it be; into its constituent parts; and the prehension of these in their logical definitions
and forms。 It is not the free universality of conception necessary for making an abstract principle
the object of consciousness。 Such a consciousness of Thought itself; and of its forms isolated from
a particular object; is Philosophy。 This has; indeed; the condition of its existence in culture; that
condition being the taking up of the object of thought; and at the same time clothing it with the
form of universality; in such a way that the material content and the form given by the intellect are
held in an inseparable state; — inseparable to such a degree that the object in question …which; by
the analysis of one conception into a multitude of conceptions; is enlarged to an incalculable
treasure of thought — is regarded as a merely empirical datum in whose formation thought has bad
no share。
§ 76
But it is quite as much an act of Thought — of the Understanding in particular — to embrace in one
simple conception object which of itself prehends a concrete and large significance (as Earth;
Man; …Alexander or Caesar) and to designate it by one word; — as to resolve such a conception
— duly to isolate in idea the conceptions which it contains; and to give them particular names。 And
in reference to the view which gave occasion to what has just been said; thus much will be clear;
— that as reflection produces what we include under the general terms Genius; Talent; Art;
Science; — formal culture on every grade of intellectual development; not only can; but must grow;
and attain a mature bloom; while the grade in question is developing itself to a State; and on this
basis of civilisation is advancing to intelligent reflection and to general forms of thought; — as in
laws; so in regard to all else。 In the very association of men in a state; lies the necessity of formal
culture — consequently of the rise of the sciences and of a cultivated poetry and art generally。 The
arts designated “plastic;” require besides; even in their technical aspect; the civilised association
of men。 The poetic art — which has less need of external requirements and means; and which has
the element of immediate existence; the voice; as its material — steps forth with great boldness and
with matured expression; even under the conditions presented by a people not yet united in a
political bination; since; as remarked above; language attains on its own particular ground a
high intellectual development; prior to the mencement of civilisation。
§ 77
Philosophy also must make its appearance where political life exists; since that in virtue of which
any series of phenomena is reduced within the sphere of culture; as above stated; is the Form
strictly proper to Thought; and thus for philosophy; which is nothing other than the consciousness
of this form itself — the Thinking of Thinking;… the material of which its edifice is to be constructed;
is already prepared by general culture。 If in the development of the State itself; periods are
necessitated which impel the soul of nobler natures to seek refuge from the Present in ideal
regions; — in order to find in them that harmony with itself which it can no longer enjoy in the
discordant real world; where the reflective intelligence attacks all that is holy and deep; which had
been spontaneously inwrought into the religion; laws and manners of nations; and brings them
down and attenuates them to abstract godless generalities; — Thought will be pelled to
bee Thinking Reason; with the view of effecting in its own element; the restoration of it
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...