bined with a due recognition of the moral and emotional parts of our nature; and in which
justice as united with these; truly and really influences the intercourse of the social units。 The basis
of the patriarchal condition is the family relation; which develops the primary form of conscious
morality; succeeded by that of the State as its second phase。 The patriarchal condition is one of
transition; in which the family has already advanced to the position of a race or people; where the
union; therefore; has already ceased to be simply a bond of love and confidence; and has bee
one of plighted service。 We must first examine the ethical principle of the Family。 The Family may
be reckoned as virtually a single person; since its members have either mutually surrendered their
individual personality; (and consequently their legal position towards each other; with the rest of
their particular interests and desires) as in the case of the Parents; or have not yet attained such an
independent personality; … (the Children; … who are primarily in that merely natural condition
already mentioned。) They live; therefore; in a unity of feeling; love; confidence; and faith in each
other。 And in a relation of mutual love; the one individual has the consciousness of himself in the
consciousness of the other; he lives out of self; and in this mutual self…renunciation each regains the
life that had been virtually transferred to the other; gains; in fact; that others existence and his own;
as involved with that other。 The farther interests connected with the necessities and external
concerns of life; as well as the development that has to take place within their circle; i。e。 of the
children constitute a mon object for the members of the Family。 The Spirit of the Family … the
Penates … form one substantial being; as much as the Spirit of a People in the State; and morality in
both cases consists in a feeling; a consciousness; and a will; not limited to individual personality
and interest; but embracing the mon interests of the members generally。 But this unity is in the
case of the Family essentially one of feeling; not advancing beyond the limits of the merely
natural。 The piety of the Family relation should be respected in the highest degree by the State;
by its means the State obtains as its members individuals who are already moral (for as mere
persons they are not) and who in uniting to form a state bring with them that sound basis of a
political edifice … the capacity of feeling one with a Whole。 But the expansion of the Family to a
patriarchal unity carries us beyond the ties of blood…relationship … the simply natural elements of
that basis; and outside of these limits the members of the munity must enter upon the position
of independent personality。 A review of the patriarchal condition; in extenso; would lead us to
give special attention to the Theocratical Constitution。 The head of the patriarchal clan is also its
priest。 If the Family in its general relations; is not yet separated from civic society and the state; the
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...