Believe it; he thought。 After all; what choice did he have? Beth was out of control and dangerous。 It was too late to save her now…in fact; it was crazy to go anywhere near her。 Beth was homicidal。 Shed already tried to kill him once; and had nearly succeeded。
And Harry had been drugged for thirteen hours; by now he was probably clinically dead; brain…dead。 There was no reason for Norman to stay。 There was nothing for him to do。
The sub was close now。 He could see the fittings on the yellow exterior。
〃Norman; please 。。。 I need you。〃
Sorry; he thought。 Im getting out of here。
He moved around beneath the twin propellor screws; the name painted on the curved hull; Deepstar III。 He climbed the footholds; moving up into the dome。
Now he was out of contact with the inter。 He was on his own。 He opened the hatch; climbed inside the submarine。 He unlocked his helmet; pulled it off。
〃Your attention; please。 Eighteen minutes and counting。〃 Norman sat in the pilots padded seat; faced the controls。 The instruments blinked on; and the screen directly before him glowed。
Do you require help?
Yes No Cancel
''342'' He pressed 〃YES。〃 He waited for the next screen to flash up。
It was too bad about Harry and Beth; he was sorry to leave them behind。 But they had both; in their own ways; failed to explore their inner selves; thus making them vulnerable to the sphere and its power。 It was a classic scientific error; this so…called triumph of rational thought over irrational thought。 Scientists refused to acknowledge their irrational side; refused to see it as important。 They dealt only with the rational。 Everything made sense to a scientist; and if it didnt make sense; it was dismissed as what Einstein called the 〃merely personal。〃
The merely personal; he thought; in a burst of contempt。 People killed each other for reasons that were 〃merely personal。〃
Norman pressed 〃ASCEND。〃 The screen changed to the drawing of the instrument panel; with the flashing point。 He waited for the next instruction。
Yes; he thought; it was true: scientists refused to deal with the irrational。 But the irrational side didnt go away if you refused to deal with it。 Irrationality didnt atrophy with disuse。 On the contrary; left unattended; the irrational side of man had grown in power and scope。
And plaining about it didnt help; either。 All those scientists whining in the Sunday supplements about mans inherent destructiveness and his propensity for violence; throwing up their hands。 That wasnt dealing with the irrational side。 That was just a formal admission that they were giving up on it。
''343'' The screen changed again:
1。 Set Ballast Blowers To: On
Proceed To NextCancel
Norman pushed buttons on the panel; setting the ballast blowers; and waited for the next screen。
After all; how did scientists approach their own research? The scientists all agreed: scientific research cant be stopped。 If we dont build the bomb; someone else will。 But then pretty soon the bomb was in the hands of new people; who said; If we dont use the bomb; someone else will。
At which point; the scientists said; those other people are terrible people; theyre irrational and irresponsible。 We scientists are okay。 But those other people are a real problem。
Yet the truth was that responsibility began with each individual person; and the choices he made。 Each person had a choice。
Well; Norman thought; there was nothing he could do for Harry or Beth any longer。 He had to save himself。
He heard a deep hum as the generators turned on; and the throb of the propellors。 The screen flashed:
Here we go; he thought; resting his hands confidently on the controls。 He felt the submarine respond beneath him。 〃Your attention; please。 Seventeen minutes and counting。〃 Muddy sediment churned up around the canopy as the screws engaged; and then the little submarine slipped out from beneath the dome。 It was just like driving a car; he thought。 There was nothing to it。
He turned in a slow arc; away from DH…7; toward DH…8。 He was twenty feet above the bottom; high enough for the screws to clear the mud。
There were seventeen minutes left。 At a maximum ascent rate of 6。6 feet per second…he did the mental calculation quickly; effortlessly…he would reach the surface in two and
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...