〃What happens then?〃
〃Everybody clears the hell out。 Weather can be tough in this part of the world; sir。 Im from Florida and I saw some hurricanes when I was a kid; but youve never seen anything like a Pacific cyclone; sir。〃
Norman nodded。 〃How much longer until we get there?〃
〃Any minute now; sir。〃
After two hours of monotony; the cluster of ships appeared unusually interesting。 There were more than a dozen vessels of various kinds; formed roughly into concentric circles。 On the outer perimeter; he counted eight gray Navy destroyers。 Closer to the center were large ships that had wide…spaced double hulls and looked like floating ''6'' dry…docks; then nondescript boxy ships with flat helicopter decks; and in the center; amid all the gray; two white ships; each with a flat pad and a bulls…eye。
The pilot listed them off: 〃You got your destroyers on the outside; for protection; RVSs further in; thats Remote Vehicle Support; for the robots; then MSS; Mission Support and Supply; and OSRVs in the center。〃
〃Oceanographic Survey and Research Vessels。〃 The pilot pointed to the white ships。 〃John Hawes to port; and William Arthur to starboard。 Well put down on the Hawes。〃 The pilot circled the formation of ships。 Norman could see launches running back and forth between the ships; leaving small white wakes against the deep blue of the water。
〃All this for an airplane crash?〃 Norman said。
〃Hey;〃 the pilot grinned。 〃I never mentioned a crash。 Check your seat belt if you would; sir。 Were about to land。〃
The red bulls…eye grew larger; and slid beneath them as the helicopter touched down。 Norman fumbled with his seat belt buckle as a uniformed Navy man ran up and opened the door。
〃Dr。 Johnson? Norman Johnson?〃
〃Thats right。〃
〃Have any baggage; sir?〃
〃Just this。〃 Norman reached back; pulled out his day case。 The officer took it。
〃Any scientific instruments; anything like that?〃
〃No。 Thats it。〃
〃This way; sir。 Keep your head down; follow me; and dont go aft; sir。〃
''7'' Norman stepped out; ducking beneath the blades。 He followed the officer off the helipad and down a narrow stairs。 The metal handrail was hot to the touch。 Behind him; the helicopter lifted off; the pilot giving him a final wave。 Once the helicopter had gone; the Pacific air felt still and brutally hot。
〃Good trip; sir?〃
〃Need to go; sir?〃
〃Ive just arrived;〃 Norman said。
〃No; I mean: do you need to use the head; sir。〃
〃No;〃 Norman said。
〃Good。 Dont use the heads; theyre all backed up。〃
〃All right。〃
〃Plumbings been screwed up since last night。 Were working on the problem and hope to have it solved soon。〃 He peered at Norman。 〃We have a lot of women on board at the moment; sir。〃
〃I see;〃 Norman said。
〃Theres a chemical john if you need it; sir。〃
〃Im okay; thanks。〃
〃In that case; Captain Barnes wants to see you at once; sir。〃
〃Id like to call my family。〃
〃You can mention that to Captain Barnes; sir。〃
They ducked through a door; moving out of the hot sun into a
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...