〃But why; Beth?〃 he kept saying。
〃Because Ill feel better after I do it;〃 she said。
〃But there isnt any reason to do it。〃
〃Ill feel better if I do;〃 she insisted; and in the end he couldnt stop her。
He saw her now; a small figure with a single glowing light from her helmet; moving from one crate of explosives to another。 She opened each crate and removed large yellow cones which looked rather like the cones that highway repair trucks used。 These cones were wired together; and when the wiring was pleted a small red light glowed at the tip。
He saw small red lights all up and down the length of the ship。 It made him uneasy。
When she left; he had said to her; 〃But you wont wire up the explosives near the habitat。〃
〃No; Norman。 I wont。〃
〃Promise me。〃
〃I told you; I wont。 If its going to upset you; I wont。〃
〃Its going to upset me。〃
〃Okay; okay。〃
Now the red lights were strung along the length of the ship; starting at the dimly visible tail; which rose out of the coral ''303'' bottom。 Beth moved farther north; toward the rest of the unopened crates。
Norman looked at Harry; who snored loudly but who remained unconscious。 He paced back and forth in D Cyl; and then went to the monitors。
The screen blinked。
Oh God; he thought。 And in the next moment he thought; How can this be happening? It cant be happening。 Harry was still out cold。 How could it be happening?
Her voice sounded tinny on the inter。
〃Yes; Norman。〃
〃Get the hell out of there。〃
DO NOT BE AFRAID; the screen said。
〃What is it; Norman?〃 she said。
〃Im getting something on the screen。〃
〃Check Harry。 He must be waking up。〃
〃Hes not。 Get back here; Beth。〃
〃All right; Norman; Im heading back;〃 she said。
〃Fast; Beth。〃
But he didnt need to say that; already he could see her light bouncing as she ran across the bottom。 She was at least a hundred yards from the habitat。 He heard her breathing hard on the inter。
〃Can you see anything; Norman?〃
〃No; nothing。〃 He was straining to look toward the hori
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...