Liu Bei and his brothers stopped to listen to the song and; calling up one of the peasants; asked who made it。
〃It was made by Master Sleeping Dragon;〃 said the laborer。
〃Then he lives hereabout。 Where?〃
〃South of this hill there is a ridge called the Sleeping Dragon; and close by is a sparse wood。 In it stands a modest cottage。 That is where Master Zhuge Liang takes his repose。〃
Liu Bei thanked him and the party rode on。 Soon they came to the ridge; most aptly named; for indeed it lay wrapped in an atmosphere of calm beauty。
A poet wrote of it thus:
Not far from Xiangyang
There stands; clear cut against the sky;
A lofty ridge; and at its foot
A gentle stream goes gliding by。
The contour; curving up and down;
Although by resting cloud its marred;
Arrests the eye; and here and there
The flank by waterfalls is scarred。
There; like a sleeping dragon coiled;
Or phoenix hid among thick pines;
You see; secure from prying eyes;
A cot; reed…built on rustic lines。
The rough…joined doors; pushed by the wind;
Swing idly open and disclose
The greatest genius of the world
Enjoying still his calm repose。
The air is full of woodland scents;
Around are hedgerows trim and green;
Close…growing intercrossed bamboos
Replace the painted doorway screen。
But look within and books you see
By every couch; near every chair;
And you may guess that mon persons
Are very seldom weled there。
The hut seems far from human ken;
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...