human things; we have the convenient licence of wandering as far as we list; in the direction of our
own fancies。 We are freed from the obligation to refer our knowledge to the Divine and True。 On
the other hand; the vanity and egotism which characterise it find; in this false position; ample
justification and the pious modesty which puts far from it the knowledge of God; can well estimate
how much furtherance thereby accrues to its own wayward and vain strivings。 I have been
unwilling to leave out of sight the connection between our thesis … that Reason governs and has
governed the World — and the question of the possibility of a Knowledge of God; chiefly that I
might not lose the opportunity of mentioning the imputation against Philosophy of being shy of
noticing religious truths; or of having occasion to be so in which is insinuated the suspicion that it
has anything but a clear conscience in the presence of these truths。 So far from this being the case;
the fact is; that in recent times Philosophy has been obliged to defend the domain of religion
against the attacks of several theological systems。 In the Christian religion God has revealed
Himself; — that is; he has given us to understand what He is; so that He is no longer a concealed
or secret existence。 And this possibility of knowing Him; thus afforded us; renders such
knowledge a duty。 God wishes no narrow…hearted souls or empty heads for his children; but those
whose spirit is of itself indeed; poor; but rich in the knowledge of Him; and who regard this
knowledge of God as the only valuable possession。 That development of the thinking spirit; which
has resulted from the revelation of the Divine Being as its original basis; must ultimately advance to
the intellectual prehension of what was presented in the first instance; to feeling and
imagination。 The time must eventually e for understanding that rich product of active Reason;
which the History of the World offers to us。 It was for a while the fashion to profess admiration for
the wisdom of God; as displayed in animals; plants; and isolated occurrences。 But; if it be allowed
that Providence manifests itself in such objects and forms of existence; why not also in Universal
History? This is deemed too great a matter to be thus regarded。 But Divine Wisdom; i。e。 Reason。;
is one and the same in the great as in the little; and we must not imagine God to be too weak to
exercise his wisdom on the grand scale。 Our intellectual striving aims at realising the conviction that
what was intended by eternal wisdom; is actually acplished in the domain of existent; active
Spirit; as well as in that of mere Nature。 Our mode of treating the subject is; in this aspect; a
Theodicaea; — a justification of the ways of God; — which Leibnitz attempted metaphysically in
his method; i。e。 in indefinite abstract categories; — so that the ill that is found in the World may be
prehended; and the thinking Spirit reconciled with the fact of the existence of evil。 Indeed;
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...