the idea of Spirit speculatively; for whatever has a place in an Introduction; must; as already
observed; be taken as simply historical; something assumed as having been explained and proved
elsewhere; or whose demonstration awaits the sequel of the Science of History itself。
§ 20
We have therefore to mention here:
(1) The abstract characteristics of the nature of Spirit。
(2) What means Spirit uses in order to realise its Idea。
(3) Lastly; we must consider the shape which the perfect embodiment of Spirit assumes…the State。
(1) The Abstract Characteristics of the Nature of Spirit
§ 21
The nature of Spirit may be understood by a glance at its direct opposite — Matter。 As the
essence of Matter is Gravity; so; on the other hand; we may affirm that the substance; the essence
of Spirit is Freedom。 All will readily assent to the doctrine that Spirit; among other properties; is
also endowed with Freedom; but philosophy teaches that all the qualities of Spirit exist only
through Freedom; that all are but means for attaining Freedom; that all seek and produce this and
this alone。 It is a result of speculative Philosophy; that Freedom is the sole truth of Spirit。 Matter
possesses gravity in virtue of its tendency towards a central point。 It is essentially posite;
consisting of parts that exclude each other。 It seeks its Unity; and therefore exhibits itself as
self…destructive; as verging towards its opposite 'an indivisible point'。 If it could attain this; it would
be Matter no longer; it would have perished。 It strives after the realisation of its Idea; for in Unity it
exists ideally。 Spirit; on the contrary; may be defined as that which has its centre in itself。 It has
not a unity outside itself; but has already found it; it exists in and with itself。 Matter has its essence
out of itself; Spirit is self…contained existence (Bei…sich…selbst…seyn)。 Now this is Freedom;
exactly。 For if I am dependent; my being is referred to something else which I am not; I cannot
exist independently of something external。 I am free on the contrary; when my existence depends
upon myself。 This self…contained existence of Spirit is none other than self…consciousness —
consciousness of ones own being。 Two things must be distinguished in consciousness; first; the
fact that I know; secondly; what I know。 In sel
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...