


is altogether undetermined。

§ 61

The principle of Development involves also the existence of a latent germ of being — a capacity

or potentiality striving to realise itself。 This formal conception finds actual existence in Spirit; which

has the History of the World for its theatre; its possession; and the sphere of its realisation。 It is not

of such a nature as to be tossed to and fro amid the superficial play of accidents; but is rather the

absolute arbiter of things; entirely unmoved by contingencies; which; indeed; it applies and

manages for its own purposes。 Development; however; is also a property of organised natural

objects。 Their existence presents itself; not as an exclusively dependent one; subjected to external

changes; but as one which expands itself in virtue of an external unchangeable principle; a simple

essence; — whose existence; i。e。; as a germ; is primarily simple; — but which subsequently

develops a variety of parts; that bee involved with other objects; and consequently live

through a continuous process of changes; — a process nevertheless; that results in the very

contrary of change; and is even transformed into a vis conservatrix of the organic principle; and

the form embodying it。 Thus the organised individuum produces itself; it expands itself actually to

what it was always potentially: So Spirit is only that which it attains by its own efforts; it makes

itself actually what it always was potentially。 — That development (of natural organisms) takes

place in a direct; unopposed; unhindered manner。 Between the Idea and its realisation — the

essential constitution of the original germ and the conformity to it of the existence derived from it

— no disturbing influence can intrude。 But in relation to Spirit it is quite otherwise。 The realisation

of its Idea is mediated by consciousness and will; these very faculties are; in the first instance; sunk

in their primary merely natural life; the first object and goal of their striving is the realisation of their

merely natural destiny; — but which; since it is Spirit that animates it; is possessed of vast

attractions and displays great power and 'moral' richness。 Thus Spirit is at war with itself ; it has to

overe itself as its most formidable obstacle。 That development which in the sphere of Nature is

a peaceful growth; is in that of Spirit; a severe; a mighty conflict with itself。 What Spirit really

strives for is the realisation of its Ideal being; but in doing so; it hides that goal from its own vision;

and is proud and well satisfied in this alienation from it。

§ 62

Its expansion; therefore; does not present the harmless tranquillity of mere growth; as does that of

organic life; but a stern reluctant working against itself。 It exhibits; moreover; not the mere formal









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