


The descent continued。 The water was dark。 〃Five hundred feet;〃 he said。 〃Halfway there。〃

The submarine creaked loudly; then made several explosive pops。 Norman was startled。

〃Thats normal pressure adjustment;〃 the pilot said。 〃No problem。〃

''50'' 〃Uh…huh;〃 Norman said。 He wiped sweat on his shirtsleeve。 It seemed that the interior of the submarine was now much smaller; the walls closer to his face。

〃Actually;〃 Ted said; 〃if I remember; this particular region of the Pacific is called the Lau Basin; isnt that right?〃

〃Thats right; sir; the Lau Basin。〃

〃Its a plateau between two undersea ridges; the South Fiji or Lau Ridge to the west; and the Tonga Ridge to the east。〃

〃Thats correct; Dr。 Fielding。〃

Norman glanced at the instruments。 They were covered with moisture。 The pilot had to rub the dials with a cloth to read them。 Was the sub leaking? No; he thought。 Just condensation。 The interior of the submarine was growing colder。 Take it easy; he told himself。

〃Eight hundred feet;〃 the pilot said。 It was now pletely black outside。

〃This is very exciting;〃 Ted said。 〃Have you ever done anything like this before; Norman?〃

〃No;〃 Norman said。

〃Me; neither;〃 Ted said。 〃What a thrill。〃 Norman wished he would shut up。

〃You know;〃 Ted said; 〃when we open this alien craft up and make our first contact with another form of life; its going to be a great moment in the history of our species on Earth。 Ive been wondering about what we should say。〃


〃You know; what words。 At the threshold; with the cameras rolling。〃

〃Will there be cameras?〃

〃Oh; Im sure therell be all sorts of documentation。 Its only proper; considering。 So we need something to say; a memorable phrase。 I was thinking of 〃This is a momentous moment in human history。 〃

〃Momentous moment?〃 Norman said; frowning。

〃Youre right;〃 Ted said。 〃Awkward; I agree。 Maybe A turning point in human history?〃

Norman shook his head。

〃How about A crossroads in the evolution of the human species?〃

''51'' 〃Can evolution have a crossroads?〃

〃I dont see why not;〃 Ted said。

〃Well; a crossroads is a crossing of roads。 Is evolution a road? I thought it wasnt; I thought evolution was undirected。〃

〃Youre being too literal;〃 Ted said。

〃Reading the bottom;〃 the pilot said。 〃Nine hundred feet。〃 He slowed the descent。 They heard the intermittent ping of sonar。

Ted said; 〃 A new threshold in the evolution of the human species?〃

〃Sure。 Think it will be?〃

〃Will be what?〃

〃A new threshold。〃

〃Why not?〃 Ted said。

〃What if we open it up and its just a lot of rusted junk inside; and nothing valuable or enlightening at all?〃

〃Good point;〃 Ted said。












赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...





