


〃Nine hundred fifty feet。 Exterior lights are on;〃 the pilot said。

Through the porthole they saw white flecks。 The pilot explained this was suspended matter in the water。

〃Visual contact。 I have bottom。〃

〃Oh; lets see!〃 Ted said。 The pilot obligingly shifted to one side and they looked。

Norman saw a flat; dead; dull…brown plain stretching away to the limit of the lights。 Blackness beyond。

〃Not much to look at right here; Im afraid;〃 the pilot said。

〃Surprisingly dreary;〃 Ted said; without a trace of disappointment。 〃I would have expected more life。〃

〃Well; its pretty cold。 Water temperature is; ah; thirty…six degrees Fahrenheit。〃

〃Almost freezing;〃 Ted said。

〃Yes; sir。 Lets see if we can find your new home。〃

The motors rumbled。 Muddy sediment churned up in front of the porthole。 The sub turned; moved across the bottom。 For several minutes they saw only the brown landscape。

Then lights。 〃There we are。〃

''52'' A vast underwater array of lights; arranged in a rectangular pattern。

〃Thats the grid;〃 the pilot said。

The submarine planed up; and glided smoothly over the illuminated grid; which extended into the distance for half a mile。 Through the porthole; they saw divers standing on the bottom; working within the grid structure。 The divers waved to the passing sub。 The pilot honked a toy horn。

〃They can hear that?〃

〃Oh sure。 Waters a great conductor。〃

〃My God;〃 Ted said。

Directly ahead the giant titanium fin rose sharply above the ocean floor。 Norman was pletely unprepared for its dimension; as the submarine moved to port; the fin blocked their entire field of view for nearly a minute。 The metal was dull gray and; except for small white speckles of marine growth; entirely unmarked。

〃There isnt any corrosion;〃 Ted said。

〃No; sir;〃 the pilot said。 〃Everybodys mentioned that。 They think its because its a metal…plastic alloy; but I dont think anybody is quite sure。〃

The fin slipped away to the stern; the submarine again turned。 Directly ahead; more lights; arranged in vertical rows。 Norman saw a single cylinder of yellow…painted steel; and bright portholes。 Next to it was a low metal dome。

〃Thats DH…7; the divers habitat; to port;〃 the pilot said。 〃Its pretty utilitarian。 You guys are in DH…8; which is much nicer; believe me。〃

He turned starboard; and after a momentary blackness; they saw another set of lights。 ing closer; Norman counted five different cylinders; some vertical; some horizontal; interconnected in a plex way。

〃There you are。 DH…8; your home away from home;〃 the pilot said。 〃Give me a minute to dock。〃

Metal clanged against metal; there was a sharp jolt; and then the motors cut off。 Silence。 Hissing air。 The ''53'' pilot scrambled to open the hatch; and surprisingly cold air washed down on them。

〃Airlocks open; gentlemen;〃 he said; stepping aside。 Norman looked up through the lock。 He saw banks of red lights above。 He climbed up through the submarine; and into a round steel cylinder approximately eight feet in diameter。 On all sides there were handholds; a narrow metal bench; the glowing heat lamps overhead; though they didnt seem to do much good。

Ted climbed up and sat on the bench opposite him。 They were so close their knees touched。 Below their feet; the pilot closed the hatch。 They watched the wheel spin。 They heard a clank as the submarine disengaged; then the whirr of motors as it moved away。

Then nothing。

〃What happens now?〃 Norman said。

〃They pressurize us;〃 Ted said。 〃Switch us over to exotic…gas atmosphere。 We cant breathe air down here。〃

〃Why not?〃 Norman said。 Now that he was down here; staring at the cold steel walls of the cylinder; he wished he had stayed awake for the briefing。

〃Because;〃 Ted said; 〃the atmosphere of the Earth is deadly。 You dont realize it; but oxygen is a corrosive gas。 Its in the same chemical family as chlorine and fluorine; and hydrofluoric acid is the most corrosive acid known。 The same quality of oxygen that makes a half…eaten apple turn brown; or makes iron rust; is incredibly destructive to the human body if exposed to too much of it。 Oxygen under pressure is toxic






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











