〃Okay?〃 Barnes said。 〃Everybody here?〃
Edmunds said; 〃Wait for video; please; sir。〃
〃Okay。 Waiting。〃
They all lined up beside the door; but they still had their helmets on。 It wasnt going to be much of a picture; Norman thought。
Edmunds: 〃Tape is running。〃
Ted: 〃Id like to say a few words。〃
Harry: 〃Jesus; Ted。 Cant you ever let up?〃
Ted: 〃I think its important。〃
Harry: 〃Go ahead; make your speech。〃
Ted: 〃Hello。 This is Ted Fielding; here at the door of the unknown spacecraft which has been discovered…〃
Barnes: 〃Wait a minute; Ted。 Here at the door of the unknown spacecraft sounds like here at the tomb of the unknown soldier。 〃
Ted: 〃You dont like it?〃
Barnes: 〃Well; I think it has the wrong associations。〃
Ted: 〃I thought you would like it。〃
Beth: 〃Can we just get on with it; please?〃
''71'' Ted: 〃Never mind。〃
Harry: 〃What; are you going to pout now?〃
Ted: 〃Never mind。 Well do without any mentary on this historic moment。〃
Harry: 〃Okay; fine。 Lets get it open。〃
Ted: 〃I think everybody knows how I feel。 I feel that we should have some brief remarks for posterity。〃
Harry: 〃Well; make your goddamn remarks!〃
Ted: 〃Listen; you son of a bitch; Ive had about enough of your superior; know…it…all attitude…〃
Barnes: 〃Stop tape; please。〃
Edmunds: 〃Tape is stopped; sir。〃
Barnes: 〃Lets everyone settle down。〃
Harry: 〃I consider all this ceremony utterly irrelevant。〃
Ted: 〃Well; its not irrelevant; its appropriate。〃
Barnes: 〃All right; Ill do it。 Roll the tape。〃
Edmunds: 〃Tape is rolling。〃
Barnes: 〃This is Captain Barnes。 We are now about to open the hatch cover。 Present with me on this historic occasion are Ted Fielding; Norman Johnson; Beth Halpern; and Harry Adams。〃
Harry: 〃Why am I last?〃
Barnes: 〃I did it left to right; Harry。〃
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...