Harry: 〃Isnt it funny the only black man is named last?〃
Barnes: 〃Harry; its left to right。 The way were standing here。〃
Harry: 〃And after the only woman。 Im a full professor; Beth is only an assistant professor。〃
Beth: 〃Harry…〃
Ted: 〃You know; Hal; perhaps we should be identified by our full titles and institutional affiliations…〃
Harry: 〃…Whats wrong with alphabetical order…〃
Barnes: 〃…Thats it! Forget it! No tape!〃
Edmunds: 〃Tape is off; sir。〃
Barnes: 〃Jesus Christ。〃
He turned away from the group; shaking his helmeted head。 He flipped up the metal plate; exposed the two buttons; and pushed one。 A yellow light blinked 〃READY。〃
〃Everybody stay on internal air;〃 Barnes said。
''72'' They all continued to breathe from their tanks; in case the interior gases in the spacecraft were toxic。
〃Everybody ready?〃
Barnes pushed the button marked 〃OPEN。〃
A sign flashed: ADJUSTING ATMOSPHERE。 Then; with a rumble; the door slid open sideways; just like an airplane door。 For a moment Norman could see nothing but blackness beyond。 They moved forward cautiously; shone their lights through the open door; saw girders; a plex of metal tubes。
〃Check the air; Beth。〃
Beth pulled the plunger on a small gas monitor in her hand。 The readout screen glowed。
〃Helium; oxygen; trace CO2 and water vapor。 The right proportions。 Its pressurized atmosphere。〃
〃The ship adjusted its own atmosphere?〃
〃Looks like it。〃
〃Okay。 One at a time。〃
Barnes removed his helmet first; breathed the air。 〃It seems okay。 Metallic; a slight tingle; but okay。〃 He took a few deep breaths; then nodded。 The others removed their helmets; set them on the deck。
〃Thats better。〃
〃Shall we go?〃
〃Why not?〃
There was a brief hesitation; and then Beth stepped through quickly: 〃Ladies first。〃
The others followed her。 Norman glanced back; saw all their yellow helmets lying on the floor。 Edmunds; holding the video camera to her eye; said; 〃Go ahead; Dr。 Johnson。〃 Norman turned; and stepped into the spacecraft。
They stood on a catwalk five feet wide; suspended high in the air。 Norman shone his flashlight down: the beam glowed through forty feet of darkness before it splashed on the lower hull。 Surrounding them; dimly visible in the darkness; was a dense network of struts and girders。
Beth said; 〃Its like be
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...