intelligence in a special sense; it is its external manifestation。 Exercises of memory and imagination
without language; are direct; 'non…speculative' manifestations。 But this act of theoretic intelligence
itself; as also its subsequent development; and the more concrete class of facts connected with it;
…viz。 the spreading of peoples over the earth; their separation from each other; their ings and
wanderings — remain involved in the obscurity of a voiceless past。 They are not acts of Will
being self…conscious — of Freedom; mirroring itself in a phenomenal form; and creating for
itself a proper reality。 Not partaking of this element of substantial; veritable existence; those
nations — notwithstanding the development of language among them — never advanced to the
possession of a history。 The rapid growth of language; and the progress and dispersion of
Nations; assume importance and interest for concrete Reason; only when they have e in
contact with States; or begin to form political constitutions themselves。
§ 71
After these remarks; relating to the form of the mencement of the Worlds History; and to
that ante…historical period which must be excluded from it; we have to state the direction of its
course: though here only formally。 The further definition of the subject in the concrete; es
under the head of arrangement。
§ 72
Universal history — as already demonstrated — shows the development of the consciousness of
Freedom on the part of Spirit; and of the consequent realisation of that Freedom。 This
development implies a gradation — a series of increasingly adequate expressions or manifestations
of Freedom; which result from its Idea。 The logical; and — as still more prominent — the
dialectical nature of the Idea in general; viz。 that it is self…determined — that it assumes successive
forms which it successively transcends; and by this very process of transcending its earlier stages;
gains an affirmative; and; in fact; a richer and more concrete shape; — this necessity of its nature;
and the necessary series of pure abstract forms which the Idea successively assumes — is
exhibited in the department of Logic。 Here we need adopt only one of its results; viz。 that every
step in the process; as differing from any other; has its determinate peculiar principle。 In history this
principle is idiosyncrasy of Spirit — peculiar National Genius。 It is within the limitations of this
idiosyncrasy that the spirit of the nation; concretely manifested; expresses every aspect of its
consciousness and will — the whole cycle of its realisation。 Its religion; its polity; its ethics; its
legislation; and even its science; art; and mechanical skill; all bear its stamp。 These special
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