


peculiarities find their key in that mon peculiarity; — the particular principle that characterises a

people; as; on the other hand; in the facts which History presents in detail; that mon

characteristic principle may be detected。 That such or such a specific quality constitutes the

peculiar genius of a people; is the element of our inquiry which must be derived from experience;

and historically proved。 To acplish this; presupposes not only a disciplined faculty of

abstraction; but an intimate acquaintance with the Idea。 The investigator must be familiar à priori

(if we like to call it so); with the whole circle of conceptions to which the principles in question

belong — just as Kepler (to name the most illustrious example in this mode of philosophising) must

have been familiar à priori with ellipses; with cubes and squares; and with ideas of their relations

before be could discover; from the empirical data; those immortal “Laws” of his; which are none

other than forms of thought pertaining to those classes of conceptions。 He who is unfamiliar with

the science that embraces these abstract elementary conceptions; is as little capable — though he

may have gazed on the firmament and the motions of the celestial bodies for a life…time — of

understanding those Laws; as of discovering them。 From this want of acquaintance with the

ideas that relate to the development of Freedom; proceed a part of those objections which are

brought against the philosophical consideration of a science usually regarded as one of mere

experience; the so…called à priori method; and the attempt to insinuate ideas into the empirical

data of history; being the chief points in the indictment。 Where this deficiency exists; such

conceptions appear alien — not lying within the object of investigation。 To minds whose training

has been narrow and merely subjective; — iliarity with

ideas; — they are something strange — not embraced in the notion and conception of the subject

which their limited intellect forms。 Hence the statement that Philosophy does not understand such

sciences。 It must; indeed; allow that it has not that kind of Understanding which is the prevailing

one in the domain of those sciences that it does not proceed according to the categories of such

Understanding; but according to the categories of Reason … though at the same time recognising

that Understanding; and its true value and position。 It must be observed that in this very process of

scientific Understanding; it is of importance that the essential should be distinguished and brought

into relief in contrast with the so…called non…e






赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮  一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...











