possess something in mon with it。 Human beings least of all; sustain the bare external relation
of mere means to the great ideal aim。 Not only do they in the very act of realising it; make it the
occasion of satisfying personal desires; whose purport is diverse from that aim — but they share in
that ideal aim itself; and are for that very reason objects of their own existence; not formally
merely; as the world of living beings generally is — whose individual life is essentially subordinate
to that of man; and is properly used up as an instrument。 Men; on the contrary; are objects of
existence to themselves; as regards the intrinsic import of the aim in question。 To this order
belongs that in them which we would exclude from the category of mere means; … Morality; Ethics;
Religion。 That is to say; man is an object of existence in himself only in virtue of the Divine that is in
him; — that which was designated at the outset as Reason; which; in view of its activity and power
of self…determination; was called Freedom。 And we affirm — without entering at present on the
proof of the assertion …that Religion; Morality; &c。 have their foundation and source in that
principle; and so are essentially elevated above all alien necessity and chance。 And here we must
remark that individuals; to the extent of their freedom; are responsible for the depravation and
enfeeblement of morals and religion。 This is the seal of the absolute and sublime destiny of man —
that be knows what is good and what is evil; that his destiny is his very ability to will either good or
evil; — in one word; that he is the subject of moral imputation; imputation not only of evil; but of
good; and not only concerning this or that particular matters and all that happens ab extra; but
also the good and evil attaching to his individual freedom。 The brute alone is simply innocent。 It
would; however demand an extensive explanation — as extensive as the analysis of moral freedom
itself — to preclude or obviate all the misunderstandings which the statement that what is called
innocent imports the entire unconsciousness of evil — is wont to occasion。
§ 38
In contemplating the fate which virtue; morality; even piety experience in history; we must not fall
into the Litany of Lamentations; that the good and pious often — or for the most part — fare ill in
the world; while the evil…disposed and wicked prosper。 The term prosperity is used in a variety of
meanings — riches; outward honour; and the like。 But in speaking of something which in and for
itself constitutes an aim of existence; that so…called well or ill…faring of these or those isolated
individuals cannot be regarded as an essential element in the rational order of the universe。 With
more justice than happiness — or a fortunate environment for individuals; — it is demanded of the
grand aim of the worlds existence; that it should foster; nay involve the execution and ratification
of good; moral; righteous purposes。 What makes men morally discontented (a discontent; by the
bye; on which they somewhat pride themselves); is that they do not find the present adapted to the
realisation of aims which they hold to be right and just (more especially in modern times; ideals of
political constitutions); they contrast unfavourably things as they are; with their idea of things as
they ought to be。 In this case it is not private interest nor passion that desires gratification; but
Reason; Justice; Liberty; and equipped with this title; the demand in question assumes a lofty
bearing; and readily adopts a position not merely of discontent; but of open revolt against the
actual condition of the world。 To estimate such a feeling and such views aright; the demands
insisted upon; and the very dogmatic opinions asserted; must be examined。 At no time
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