§ 4 Among the ancients; these annalists were necessarily great captains and statesmen。
SECTION TWO: Reflective History
§ 5 Reflective historys mode of representation is not really confined by the limits of the time to
which it relates。
___1 Universal History
§ 6 It is the aim of Universal History to gain a view of the entire history of a people or a country。
§ 7 History must foreshorten its pictures by abstractions。
___2 Pragmatical History
§ 8 Pragmatical History takes the occurrence out of the category of the Past and makes it
virtually Present。
___3 Critical History
§ 9 In Critical History; it is not history itself that is presented; but a History of History。
§ 10 Critical History adopts an abstract position; yet forms a transition to the Philosophical
SECTION THREE: Philosophic History
§ 11 Philosophy of History means nothing but the thoughtful consideration of it。
§ 12 Reason is the Sovereign of the World; history therefore; presents us with a rational process。
§ 13 The World of intelligence and conscious volition is not abandoned to chance; but must show
itself in the light of the self…cognisant Idea。
§ 14 Two points of view that concern the generally diffused conviction that Reason rules in the
I: Reason Governs World
§ 15 Anaxagoras was the first to enunciate the doctrine that Reason governs the world。
§ 16 That Nature is unchangeably subordinate to universal laws; appears nowise strange to us。
§ 17 Religious holds that the world is not abandoned to chance; but that a Providence controls it。
II The Essential Destiny of Reason
§ 18 The question; what is the ultimate design of the World?
§ 19 Spirit is our substantial object。 Our task does not require us to contemplate Nature as a
Rational System in itself。
§ 20 The three parts of the Destiny of Reason。
___(1) The Abstract Characteristics of the Nature of Spirit
§ 21 As the essence of Matter is Gravity; so; on the other hand; the essence of Spirit is Freedom。
§ 22 Eastern nations knew that one is free; the Greeks and Romans that some are free; whilst we
know that all men are free。
§ 23 The final cause of the World; we allege to be Spirits consciousness of its own freedom。
___(2) The Means Spirit Uses to Realise Its Idea
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