§ 46 The State is an abstraction; but it is an actuality; and must embody itself in individual will。
§ 47 The necessity of a particular constitution is made to depend on the condition of the people
as if it were accidental。
§ 48 The State is the embodiment of rational freedom; realising itself in an objective form。
§ 49 The State is the Idea of Spirit in the external manifestation of human Will and its Freedom。
§ 50 We observe a union between the objective … the Idea; … and the subjective… the personality
that conceives and wills it。
§ 51 The definite substance that exists in the State; is the Spirit of the People itself。
§ 52 Freedom can exist only where Individuality is recognised as having its real existence in the
Divine Being。
§ 53 While the State is based on Religion; Religion supposes the State already to exist。
§ 54 Religion is by no means a thing to be so produced; its self…production lies much deeper。
§ 55 An opposite folly is that of pretending to invent and carry out political constitutions
independently of religion。
§ 56 The State constitutes the rights of its members; its natural features are their country; their
outward material property。
§ 57 This matured totality constitutes the spirit of one People。 Each individual is the Son of his
Nation; the Son of his Age。
§ 58 Each particular National genius is only One Individual in the process of Universal History。
§ 59 Nothing further remains for this introductory section to contemplate but 。。。。
III The Course of World History
§ 60 History is an advance to something better; but Nature exhibits only a perpetually
self…repeating cycle。
§ 61 The principle of Development finds actual existence in Spirit; which has the History of the
World for its theatre。
§ 62 The Spirits expansion is not the harmless tranquillity of mere growth; but a stern reluctant
working against itself。
§ 63 The analysis of the successive grades; in their abstract form; belongs to Logic; in their
concrete aspect to the Philosophy of Spirit。
§ 64 Possibility points to something destined to bee actual。
§ 65 The investigation of the history of ancient peoples; to trace their annals up to the point where
fragments of primary revelation are to be met with。
§ 66 We have to thank this interest for many valuable discoveries in Oriental literature。
§ 67 An advanced condition of science; and the assertion that such a condition occurred at the
very beginning of History。
§ 68 The only method philosophical investigation can adopt; is to take up History where
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...