whole; the grand object of the Universe。 I would not have surrendered this hope for a great deal。
But how very much was I disappointed; when; having zealously applied myself to the writings of
Anaxagoras; I found that he adduces only external causes; such as Atmosphere; Ether; Water;
and the like。” It is evident that the defect which Socrates plains of respecting Anaxagorass
doctrine; does not concern the principle itself; but the shorting of the propounder in applying it
to Nature in the concrete。 Nature is not deduced from that principle: the latter remains in fact a
mere abstraction; inasmuch as the former is not prehended and exhibited as a development of
it; — an organisation produced by and from Reason。 I wish; at the very outset; to call your
attention to the important difference between a conception; a principle; a truth limited to an
abstract form and its determinate application; and concrete development。 This distinction affects
the whole fabric of philosophy; and among other bearings of it there is one to which we shall have
to revert at the close of our view of Universal History; in investigating the aspect of political affairs
in the most recent period。
§ 17
We have next to notice the rise of this idea — that Reason directs the World — in connection with
a further application of it; well known to us; — in the form; viz。 of the religious truth; that the
world is not abandoned to chance and external contingent causes; but that a Providence controls
it。 I stated above; that I would not make a demand on your faith; in regard to the principle
announced。 Yet I might appeal to your belief in it; in this religious aspect; if; as a general rule; the
nature of philosophical science allowed it to attach authority to presuppositions。 To put it in
another shape; — this appeal is forbidden; because the science of which we have to treat;
proposes itself to furnish the proof (not indeed of the abstract Truth of the doctrine; but) of its
correctness as pared with facts。 The truth; then; that a Providence (that of God) presides over
the events of the World — consorts with the proposition in question; for Divine Providence is
Wisdom; endowed with an infinite Power which realises its aim; viz。 the absolute rational…design of
the World。 Reason is Thought conditioning itself with perfect freedom。 But a difference — rather a
contradiction — will manifest itself; between this belief and our principle; just as was the case in
reference to the demand made by Socrates in the case of Anaxagorass dictum。 For that belief is
similarly indefinite; it is what is called a belief in a general Providence; and is not followed out into
definite application; or displayed in its bearing on the grand total ?
赵敏的娇蛮狐媚周芷若的举止优雅小昭的温柔体贴不悔的秀丽美艳蛛儿的任性刁蛮 一梦醒来,该是倚天屠龙的另一个新主角上场了...